WHO said that the metaverse was dead? These new virtual worlds have not yet become commonplace, but they are already attracting millions of curious people around the world -- all of whom are prime targets for fashion brands, which are now branching out into this up-and-coming digital playground. Nike's metaverse, for example, already boasts more than 21 million visitors.
Surveys all suggest that the general public isn't really interested in the metaverse. Some haven't heard of it, others see absolutely no interest in it, and that's without counting those who see these new worlds as potentially threatening to themselves or their loved ones.
Still, people's perception of the metaverse differs across generations, with younger people generally being more enthusiastic about the idea of exploring these realms, associating them with a new form of entertainment. And, there's no denying that, despite a flagrant lack of hardware to access them correctly, these parallel worlds are winning over more people than we might think.
Take Nike's metaverse, for example, called Nikeland and accessible on Roblox, which has already welcomed 21.6 million people, according to its landing page. Launched in November 2021, this social space based in the world of Roblox had (already) been visited by 7 million people by the end of March 2022, reflecting an exponential interest for this world that also happens to be a prime showcase for the brand.
Indeed, the realm's 21 million visitors no doubt also wandered through Nike's virtual showroom, where it's possible to buy shoes and virtual accessories for avatars. And this is no doubt enough to encourage the brand to continue to exploit the infinite possibilities of this alternate world.
It remains to be seen how many (genuinely) active players regularly visit the virtual universe of Nike -- something that's more difficult to determine. According to stats visible on the application, it appears that nearly 119,000 people have bookmarked it as a favorite.
A less impressive figure, perhaps, but one that nevertheless allows the brand to experiment widely with the potential of this parallel world. Considering that there are thousands of metaverses today -- spanning all kinds of sectors -- the number of people active in them, or at least interested in them, is ultimately a major boon for brands.
So it's no surprise that the fashion industry is jumping head-first into the metaverse, which, by the way, could be worth some $5 trillion by 2030, according to consulting firm McKinsey. Brands such as Gucci, Vans, adidas and Tommy Hilfiger are already among those who have taken the plunge, offering their own virtual experiences in these new worlds.
ETX Studio
Mon Oct 10 2022
More than 21 million people have already visited the Nike metaverse. - ETX Studio
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