Anak bekas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Nooryana Najwa mendakwa cubaan bekas anggota Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) Polis Diraja Malaysia Cif Inspektor Azilah Hadri mengaitkan ayahnya dengan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu adalah satu fitnah.

Dalam catatan di laman Instagramnya, Nooryana berkata, fitnah itu adalah cubaan untuk mengaburi mata masyarakat daripada ketidakcekapan pihak tertentu.



MY FATHER is NOT a MURDERER. I just spent the last two hours listening to President Obama speak about the need for political leaders to realise that you are in this position to DO YOUR JOB & work FOR THE PEOPLE. For a brief moment, I was rejuvenated. Then, I came home to see such slanderous claims promulgated to mask certain parties’ incompetencies. And who is the biggest victim in all of these never-ending games of betrayal and slander? It is the Rakyat, our children, our grandchildren....Are we going to allow lies and deceit to be the new order of success in our country? #callingonmalaysiabaru #bossku #daddyku #allahmahakuasa

s NOT a MURDERER. I just spent the last two hours listening to President Obama speak about the need for political leaders to realise that you are in this position to DO YOUR JOB & work FOR THE PEOPLE. For a brief moment, I was rejuvenated. Then, I came home to see such slanderous claims promulgated to mask certain parties’ incompetencies. And who is the biggest victim in all of these never-ending games of betrayal and slander? It is the Rakyat, our children, our grandchildren....Are we going to allow lies and deceit to be the new order of success in our country? #callingonmalaysiabaru #bossku #daddyku #allahmahakuasa

RER. I just spent the last two hours listening to President Obama speak about the need for political leaders to realise that you are in this position to DO YOUR JOB & work FOR THE PEOPLE. For a brief moment, I was rejuvenated. Then, I came home to see such slanderous claims promulgated to mask certain parties’ incompetencies. And who is the biggest victim in all of these never-ending games of betrayal and slander? It is the Rakyat, our children, our grandchildren....Are we going to allow lies and deceit to be the new order of success in our country? #callingonmalaysiabaru #bossku #daddyku #allahmahakuasa

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“Dan siapakah yang akan menjadi mangsa terbesar kepada permainan fitnah dan pengkhianatan yang tidak berkesudahan ini kalau bukan rakyat, anak-anak dan cucu-cucu kita?

BACA: Arah Azilah bunuh Altantuya, ini reaksi Najib Razak

“Adakah kita akan terus membiarkan penipuan menjadi asas amalan baharu dalam negara ini,” tulisnya lagi.

Terdahulu, Azilah dalam satu surat akuan bersumpah mendakwa Ahli Parlimen Pekan itu memberikan arahan “shoot to kill” kepada beliau untuk membunuh Altantuya.

Susulan dakwaan itu, Najib mendakwa ia adalah fitnah, kerana proses perbicaraan dari Mahkamah Tinggi hingga ke Mahkamah Persekutuan langsung tidak mensabitkan beliau dalam jenayah .