Jakim urges Malaysians to hold 'hajat' prayers for flood victims

Disember 25, 2014 01:08 MYT
Othman expressed the hope that the prayers would alleviate the suffering of the flood victims and provide relief to the others who have been affected by the floods. - Bernama Photo
The Islamic Development Department Malaysia (Jakim) has urged religious scholars, community leaders and Malaysians to perform 'solat hajat' prayers nationwide in view of the current devastating floods.
Jakim director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha expressed the hope that the prayers would alleviate the suffering of the flood victims and provide relief to the others who have been affected by the floods.
"We pray for the safety of the victims and their property, we pray for patience in pain for victims, strength and courage in spirit for rescue workers as well as Malaysians residing in the flood-hit areas," he said in a statement on Wednesday.
According to Jakim the main mosques under its jurisdiction, namely Masjid Negara, Masjid Putra and Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin in Putrajaya and several other mosques in the Federal Territory would jointly hold 'solat hajat' prayers beginning Wednesday.
In addition, a special fund raising effort would be organised on Friday where funds raised would be channelled for distribution to those concerned, Othman said.
"Jakim, together with all Malaysians, expresses deep sympathy for victims of the floods in the east coast states, Perak, Perlis and Johor.
"However, all parties are advised to observe rules and instructions by the authorities and to refer and obtain current reports on the flood situation only from those authorised," he said.
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