Indonesia condemns Israel's closure of al-Aqsa Mosque

Julai 20, 2017 09:47 MYT
Israel shut down the holy site and installed checkpoints and metal detectors at its entrances after three Muslim Palestinians with Israeli citizenship gunned down two Israeli policemen on Friday. -Filepix/REUTERS
The Indonesian government on Thursday condemned Israel's closure of the al-Aqsa Mosque, China's Xinhua news agency reported the foreign ministry as saying.
"Indonesia is concerned and also condemned worsened situation in al-Aqsa Mosque compound," a statement from the ministry said.
Israel shut down the holy site and installed checkpoints and metal detectors at its entrances after three Muslim Palestinians with Israeli citizenship gunned down two Israeli policemen on Friday.
The attackers were then killed by Israeli police inside the holy compound.
The Indonesian government called on Israel to restore stability and security in the compound, and not to change "the status quo" of the compound.
The al-Aqsa Mosque compound, holy to both Muslims and Jews, is one of the most sensitive sites in the region.
The Indonesian government has no diplomatic ties with Israel.
#Al-Aqsa Mosque #China #holy site #Indonesia #Israel