Pakistan has no plans to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Jun 5, 2017 06:38 MYT
Pakistan has no immediate plans to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, a spokesman for the South Asian nation's foreign ministry said on Monday.
Pakistan has no immediate plans to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, a spokesman for the South Asian nation's foreign ministry said on Monday.
The country "has no such plans," the spokesman, Nafees Zakaria, said, following Monday's surprise severing of ties with Qatar by Islamabad's key ally, Saudi Arabia, and three other Middle East nations.
"At the moment there is nothing on Qatar issue, (we) will issue a statement if some development takes place," Zakaria said.
Pakistan, which has a significant Shi'ite Muslim population, has in recent years been caught between the feud between its Sunni ally, Saudi Arabia, and Shi'ite-majority neighbour Iran.
#diplomatic ties #Pakistan #Qatar