PM Najib hopes Duterte's aggressive stand can improve security in southern Philippines

April 30, 2017 01:58 MYT
The Prime Minister said he had also expressed his gratitude to President Duterte for helping to rescue five Malaysian hostages kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf for eight months ad one week. - BERNAMA pic
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hopes the more aggressive stand taken by Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte against extremists such as the Abu Sayyaf in the southern Philippines will improve the security in that region.
"I congratulate the government of the Philippines for having successfully killed a Abu Sayyaf leader two days ago.
"With the more agressive action taken by President Duterte, we hope security in the southern Philippines will be improved," he told Malaysian journalists after the ASEAN Summit 2017 here.
According to some reports, the Philippines Marines had killed a commander of the extremist Abu Sayyaf, Alhabsy Misaya.
The Prime Minister said he had also expressed his gratitude to President Duterte for helping to rescue five Malaysian hostages kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf for eight months ad one week.
Najib said Malaysia has also committed to continue assisting in the process to conclude the "Comprehensive Peace Plan" involving the bangsa moro.
In addition, he said the issue of terrorism had also drew attention at the summit in which Malaysia said the country''s contribution, including the radicalisation programme had achieved a high level of success.
"This success shows that we can also contribute as we have a digital counter messaging centre. As such it must have the support and backing of the ASEAN countries in the fight against the militant threat and violent extremism more effectively," he added.
#extremists #Najib Razak #Philippines #Prime Minister #Rodrigo Duterte #security