Three sports we'd love to see at the Olympics

ETX Studio
Julai 22, 2021 11:43 MYT
What if roller skating became an Olympic sport? - ETX Studio
SURFING, skateboarding, rock climbing, 3x3 basketball and karate are all set to make their Olympic debut in Tokyo. While a few years ago, it probably seemed unimaginable to see these sports heading to the Olympics, here are some of the other activities that might follow in their footsteps in the coming decades.
The Tokyo Olympic Games (July 23 to August 8) will host five new disciplines: surfing, skateboarding, climbing, 3x3 basketball and karate. What better excuse for wannabe skateboarders to get out there and work on their best tricks "for the Olympics," or for surfers to catch some waves in support of their national team?
Jumping rope, back to the old-school
There are undoubtedly some other sports that deserve a place on the Olympic podium. How about skipping or jumping rope, for example? You may think of it as an elementary school activity, but some pros have mastered the art of the rope so well that they truly deserve a medal. Stevens Jumpness, for example, is working up a sweat on TikTok with his 75,000 followers. Given his amazing technique, this Cirque du Soleil athlete is a gold medal winner in the making.
Artistic roller skating, because who needs ice anyway?
No less intensive and just as impressive as figure skating, could roller dance or jam skating be a future Olympic sport? In fact, mastering moves and shapes like the dreaded crazy legs, crab shuffle or downtown can be just as tricky as the most technical moves in fencing, rugby or swimming. What's more, this sport has been all the rage since the recent covid lockdowns. As people look for some form of freedom not to mention an accessible means of artistic expression that's also loads of fun sales of quad roller skates are heading through the roof.
Zorbing, rolling to gold
Another top choice for a new Olympic sport could be Zorbing, which basically involves rolling down a slope in a giant rubber ball. It may sound crazy, but this sport no doubt requires some serious skills, such as having a strong stomach, a taste for thrills and knowing how to manage your balance. Bring on the orbs!
#Olympic Games #surfing #skateboarding #Rock climbing #Jumping rope #Roller skating #Zorbing #English News