Yemen 'dismayed' by Trump's immigration order

Januari 29, 2017 08:04 MYT
Yemen is "dismayed" by U.S. President Donald Trump's (pix) decision to temporarily ban its citizens from traveling to the United States, saying that the country was a victim of attacks itself. -Filepix
YEMEN is "dismayed" by U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to temporarily ban its citizens from traveling to the United States, saying that the country was a victim of attacks itself, an official said on Saturday.
"We are dismayed by the decision to unilaterally ban, even for only a month, travel to the United States for people holding Yemeni passports," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
READ: Trump suspends US refugee program, suspends entry from seven countries
Yemen is one of seven Muslim-majority countries affected by a Trump's 90-day curb on travelers while his administration studies new ways to prevent potential militants from trying to enter the United States.
#ban #dismay #Donald Trump #immigration #refugees #Yemen