Act against mole who leaked info on 1MDB probe - Puad

Julai 9, 2015 01:37 MYT
MOHD PUAD: I urge the Attorney-General to investigate immediately leakage of information of an incomplete probe by the Special Task Force set up by him.
UMNO Supreme Council member Datuk Mohd Puad Zarkashi called on the Attorney-General to probe if a member of the Special Task Force on 1MDB leaked confidential information to the foreign media.
He said of information yet to be verified could affect the whole probe as the individual can no longer be impartial, besides affecting the image of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Mohd Puad said the authorities should also investigate whether there is a conspiracy to overthrow a Prime Minister who was democratically elected.
"I urge the Attorney-General to investigate immediately leakage of information of an incomplete probe by the Special Task Force set up by him.
"Such negligence can have a negative impact and defamatory to the Prime Minister," said Mohd Puad, who is also the Special Affairs Department (JASA) director-general.
said Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail should be responsible for the leaks and needs to deny that he was involved.
He wondered how the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) could publish documents related to the investigation.
On Friday, the WSJ, unnamed investigators, published a report claiming that about US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) from 1MDB funds was channeled into Najib's personal bank accounts.
On Wednesday, Najib was reported to have instructed his lawyers at the legal firm of Messrs Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak to send a letter to The Wall Street Journal seeking confirmation of its position on the allegations against him in its articles before taking legal action.
#1MDB #Abdul Gani Patail #Puad Zarkashi