Applications for Form One, Form Four students admission to specific schools open from Sunday

Oktober 7, 2021 09:23 MYT
MOE has introduced the Specific School Admission Assessment (PKSK) for admission to Form One and Form Four at specific schools starting 2021. - BERNAMA/Filepic
KUALA LUMPUR: Applications for admission of Form One and Form Four students to specific schools for year 2022 will be opened from Sunday until Nov 15, according to the Ministry of Education (MOE).
MOE, in a statement today said applications to enter Form One can be accessed via the link while admission of students to Form Four can be made at
It said the online applications involve admission to Form One and Form Four at full boarding schools, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama, Sekolah Menengah Teknik, Maktab Tentera Diraja and vocational colleges.
"MOE has introduced the Specific School Admission Assessment (PKSK) for admission to Form One and Form Four at specific schools starting 2021.
"All applicants can check their assessment centres online starting Dec 1," read the statement.
According to the statement, assessments for Form One students would start from Jan 17 to 27, 2022 while for Form Four students from Feb 7 to 17, 2022.
The components that will be assessed include soft skills (20 per cent), intellectual intelligence (70 per cent), and writing articulation (10 per cent).
Applicants must be Malaysian citizens; registered with the MOE's Student Database Application System; Year Six pupils in 2021, aged 12 or born between Jan 2, 2009 and Jan 1, 2010; and Form Three students, aged 15 or born between Jan 2, 2006, and Jan 1, 2007.
The selection results will be announced on March 15, 2022.
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