Don't look down at your own country - PM Najib

Ogos 1, 2017 10:30 MYT
Najib said there are many good things awaiting Malaysians, including TN50.
Datuk Seri Najib Razak wants Malaysians to feel that Malaysia is moving towards a better nation and that there is hope for the future, instead of looking down at their own country.
The Prime Minister said Malaysians should evaluate what had been achieved by Malaysia so far rather than easily influenced by some politicians who spread lies about their own country.
"Without using (their) head, they are being used by the politicians for their own ends. They look down on the country and even spread lies or untruth about the country.
"When people come to Malaysia and experience Malaysia, they said Hey! Malaysia is not a failed state, you should be proud of Malaysia," he said at a dialogue on Design Thinking and Transformasi Nasional 2050 (TN50), at the fifth anniversary of Genovasi Malaysia here today.
Najib said there are many good things awaiting Malaysians, including TN50.
Najib said the Government must provide Malaysians hope for the future.
"I don't believe in politics of can move people by doing two things, either by politics of fear that was done during the Nazi period in Germany of course, fear, then ...
"...Or you take the line of reading a book,you got to give them a book. That is (what) TN50 is all about, creating the future that we want for Malaysia... that's what I believe in," he said.
Najib said it is also important to realise that resources are limited for every nation.
"But you can leverage on it. You can create a kind of exponential increase in the life by injecting creativity and innovation," he said adding that he wanted Malaysia to improve and be a leading nation in 20 to 30 years' time.
#Design Thinking and Transformasi Nasional 2050 #Genovasi Malaysia #Najib Razak #TN50