Johor Sultan calls on all quarters to stop questioning Tee's appointment

Julai 1, 2013 11:05 MYT
The Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar called on all quarters to stop questioning the appointment of Datuk Tee Siew Kiong as a member of the state executive council (exco).
The Sultan, in a statement released by his private secretary, Jaba Mohd Noah, said all quarters, including MCA, should respect the decision (on Tee's appointment) and that it was inappropriate for them to continue to question the powers of the Sultan as the ruler of the state.
"The Sultan has appointed Datuk Tee so that all the races have their representative in the state exco line-up.
"His Highness does not need to get a proposal from any quarters and also to explain why Datuk Tee is chosen," it said.
Jaba said the sultan also wished to make known that any problems in the political party which Tee represented should not be made an issue in his appointment as a state exco.
He said any action taken against Tee (by the party) was the prerogative of the party and its leader.
The Johor Sultan would not interfere in the affairs of political parties and at the same time, the ruler did not want any party to interfere in his administration, he added.
He said even if Tee was expelled from the party, he would remain a state exco member.
Following Tee's acceptance of the state exco post, MCA had suspended his membership for three years last June 20.
MCA Youth leader Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong also questioned Tee's decision in accepting the post on grounds that there were other elected representatives who could represent the Chinese in the Johor exco.
#appointment #Datuk Tee Siew Kiong #Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar