Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale being considered for IPTA

Ogos 15, 2022 11:36 MYT
The Special Task Force on Jihad Against Inflation is mulling the extension of Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale programme to 20 public institutions of higher learning (IPTA) in the country, said its chairman Tan Sri Annuar Musa. - BERNAMA
PUTRAJAYA: The Special Task Force on Jihad Against Inflation is mulling the extension of Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale programme to 20 public institutions of higher learning (IPTA) in the country, said its chairman Tan Sri Annuar Musa.
He said the proposal was raised by representatives of IPTA, private institutions of higher learning (IPTS) including teacher training colleges at an engagement session today and among the issues raised was the high cost of living faced by students in campus.
Annuar who is also Communications and Multimedia Minister said this proposal would be brought to the task force's meeting next week to enable students to enjoy the facilities of Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale as held at 639 state constituencies currently.
"I expect campuses to reopen in mid-September and October. So the Task Force will have sufficient time to discuss the method and mechanism if the committee could give its endorsement or agreement so that the concept of Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale could be extended to the campuses of 20 IPTA," he said in a media conference after chairing the Task Force meeting here today.
The Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale which began in the middle of August is a programme to give access to people to obtain goods at a cheaper price each week.
On applications under Keluarga Malaysia Student Device programme, Annuar said student associations especially Student Representative Council (MPP) would be given the responsibility of a reference centre for appeal cases by students whose online applications were not approved.
He said there were students who did not pass the screening as they were not from the B40 group when in reality, the parents of such students were separated and such students were really in need of assistance.
"In such cases, the verification of their student association can be considered (for approval of student device application)," he said and added that it was also aimed at ensuring deserving students are not left out of the programme.The Keluarga Malaysia Student Device package announced during the tabling of Budget 2022 was in line with the desire of the government to ensure students especially university students have devices as well as internet access at a reasonable cost.
In this regard, Annuar said the Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale programme at the level of the Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative Ministry (KUSKOP) will be held from Aug 19 to 21 at Shah Alam Stadium, Selangor before it is extended to other states.
Phase two of the Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale will be launched in Bera Parliamentary Constituency on Aug 26 under the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP), said Annuar.
He said the task force meeting would also be discussing the framework to evaluate and determine the level of inflation in the country.
"Before this, it was focused on goods experiencing rising prices which caused anxiety among the people and the issue had been stabilised.
"In the context of fighting inflation, the scope should be expanded and efforts are needed to focus on sectors such as transport, housing as well as other sectors in future which could contribute to inflation," he said.
#Annuar Musa #Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale programme #may be extended to #20 IPTAs #English News