'KL Cegah KL Sihat' campaign seeing positive results

November 10, 2021 13:34 MYT
The 'KL Cegah KL Sihat' campaign, which aims to increase the confidence of visitors to Bukit Bintang here, is beginning to show its effectiveness, although it was only launched yesterday. - BERNAMA photo
KUALA LUMPUR: The 'KL Cegah, KL Sihat' campaign, which aims to increase the confidence of visitors to Bukit Bintang here, is beginning to show its effectiveness, although it was only launched yesterday.
Secretary of the Jalan Alor Hawkers and Traders Association, Simon Ang said based on his observation, visitors have started coming to their business premises, even though the number is small.
"So far, there are activities going on. I hope more people will come here, "he told Bernama.
Ang said the traders and hawkers had no problems complying with the standard operating procedures (SOPs) set in the campaign.
The traders and hawkers always sanitised their business premises and only allow those who are fully vaccinated to enter, he added.
One of the traders, Triwi Sia, 34, said the campaign had succeeded in getting customers to her premises today.
She said the customers were confident with the compliance by traders and hawkers with the SOP set by the government to curb the spread of COVID-19.
"Before the campaign, not many people come, but after the campaign was launched yesterday, there was a slight increase in people coming to eat at our stalls," she added.
A customer, Wong Lee, 46, said he was happy that the campaign was launched as he felt more confident to come to businesses there to eat.
"I feel safe knowing that all the traders and customers here have been fully vaccinated. I will also look for a safe shop before I sit down and eat. I prefer to go to a restaurant that has many customers," he said when met at a food premise in Jalan Alor.
Yesterday, Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, when launching the campaign, hoped that the campaign would to some extent raise the economic level of those in Bukit Bintang, whose income and business had been adversely affected.
The campaign is one of the 'bottom-up' initiatives proposed by Local Agenda 21 Kuala Lumpur (LA21KL) partners, comprising the Bukit Bintang Cleanliness Blueprint Committee.
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