Malaysian MMA scene to consolidate this year and pack a punch next year

Mac 11, 2021 03:01 MYT
The association will focus on developing the grassroots and foundation for amateur MMA as well as women's participation in the sport. MASMMA pic
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) scene will be getting back to the drawing board to develop a power packed strategy for the sport next year.
As such, Malaysia Mixed Martial Arts Association (MASMMAA) president Rashid Salleh told Bernama that the association will focus on developing the grassroots and foundation for amateur MMA as well as women's participation in the sport.
"No major events are lined-up for this year as we're aiming to consolidate and plan for an event in 2022. Our next course of action once travel is allowed is to continue the coaching development of local MMA coaches.
"It will be part of our growth as well as invite the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) director of development Andrew Moshanov to conduct courses," he said.
He added that in the amateur MMA scene, national athletes such as Colleen Augustin and Theeban Govindasamy will be among their main focus as they are the medal prospects.
"Whereas in the professional MMA scene, ONE Championship athletes Agilan Thani, Jihin Radzuan and Keanu Subba are all making headlines internationally. All three of them fought in Singapore last year despite the pandemic.
"Jihin secured a great win over American-Vietnamese star Bi Nguyen, which helped raise her profile in the global female MMA scene. Agilan, despite his loss, showcased vast improvement in his game against US wrestler Tyler McGuire.
"We are hopeful that when things are back to normal, we can expect much more from these Malaysian talents," Rashid said.
MASMMAA looks forward to having fans back at events once the pandemic is dusted, but vows at the very least to stream matches in full accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by relevant authorities including the Youth and Sports Ministry and the National Security Council, he added.
Meanwhile, ONE Championship Group president Teh Hua Fung acknowledged Malaysia's potential in the development of professional MMA players and expressed hope for a competitive future for the sport in the country.
"ONE Championship has been organising events in Malaysia for many years, and we have great MMA talents from Malaysia such as Agilan, Jihin and Keanu, and once the situation with travel and health recovers, we would definitely love to return to Malaysia," he said.
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