MH370 tragedy special website for next-of-kin to get information - Jailani

Januari 31, 2015 13:27 MYT
The next-of-kin and public can access to to obtain the latest development on the MH370 search. - File pic
A special website set up by the Communication and Multimedia Ministry in the mission to search for flight MH370 enables the public, especially victims' next-of-kin to source information on it, said its deputy minister Datuk Jailani Johari.
Jailani, who is also chairman of the Communications and Media Relations Committee on the MH370 tragedy, said the next-of-kin and public could now access to to obtain the latest development on the MH370 search with the setting up of the official website.
"This website is set up in two languages, English and Mandarin, and for which the next-of-kin will be given a special password to access, specifically on the 'Next-of-Kin' column, relating to the process and development of the search, compensation and so forth.
"For Chinese nationals in China, we set up a special website in Mandarin upon the government of China's request to the Malaysian government while I was in Australia, which we have launched last week while next-of-kin in Malaysia and other countries can access in English launched in October last year," he said.
He was met by reporters after the Hulu Terengganu Bicara Bersama Mahasiswa programme here today.
Jailani said with the setting up of the website, the ministry hoped the issue of any parties not able to obtain any latest information on Flight MH370 would not arise anymore.
"We hope there will no longer be any quarters saying they cannot get any information concerning MH370 either after the announcement made by Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) director-general Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman recently and this website will be constantly updated from time to time for the convenience of all," he said.
"With the website, issues should not arise that information is being withheld or otherwise as the Malaysian government is always in contact with the governments of China or Australia on the matter. We will continue the flight MH370 search mission," he said.
Jailani said the ministry also hoped several slanderous issues that claimed MH370 was a government lie that went viral in the social media could be stopped as soon as possible to respect the victims' next-of-kin.
"I hope the families have also received the news of the announcement made by DCA and in fact when we requested DCA to issue the statement, it was the outcome of a meeting that was held between the governments of Malaysia and China," he said.
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