Most tourists to Langkawi make own bookings - MOTAC

Oktober 5, 2021 09:31 MYT
Most tourists to Langkawi tend to book their own travel, accommodation and tour arrangements, according to monitoring and a survey by the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry (MOTAC). - BERNAMA file photo
PUTRAJAYA: Most tourists to Langkawi tend to book their own travel, accommodation and tour arrangements, according to monitoring and a survey by the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry (MOTAC).
After monitoring domestic tourism activities in Langkawi over three days, from Oct 1 to 3, it was found that there are tourists who use the services of unlicensed tour operators who are not registered with MOTAC.
"The results of the survey found that most tourists who visited Langkawi through the (Langkawi) tourism bubble (project) were satisfied with the services provided by tour operators during their holidays," MOTAC said in a statement, today.
MOTAC in the statement, urged the public to use the services of tour operators who are licensed and registered with MOTAC, and advised unlicensed operators to apply for a licence with MOTAC to avoid enforcement action being taken against them.
MOTAC said the monitoring activities carried out were to send a message to tourism industry players that MOTAC always emphasised the enforcement and compliance aspects of the Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Act 482).
Among the locations monitored were around the Kilim Geoforest Park, Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi SkyCab, Langkawi Wildlife Park, Pantai Cenang, Langkawi International Airport and Kuah Passenger Ferry Terminal.
"The implementation of this SOP-monitoring activity aims to ensure that the Malaysian Family can travel to Langkawi safely and can indirectly help in reviving the country's economy through domestic tourism activities," he also said.
The success of the Langkawi tourism bubble project can also be used as a benchmark to enable other tourist destinations to adapt SOP and good management methods after the country achieves a fully vaccinated rate of 90 per cent of the adult population, he added.
According to MOTAC, a total of 400,000 tourists are targeted to visit Langkawi until December.
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