Not unusual for leaders to be criticised in social media - Abdul Rahman

Disember 8, 2015 15:26 MYT
ABDUL RAHMAN: It had become a norm to hurl unsubstantiated allegations even against world leaders. - Filepic
Negative comments and criticisms in the social media against leaders are not something unusual, says Barisan Nasional (BN) strategic communications director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.
He noted that it had become a norm to hurl unsubstantiated allegations even against world leaders.
"TSMY (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin) said the people have rejected the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) as seen from the criticisms in Facebook and Twitter. This is a normal phenomenon.
"Just look at the Facebook and Twitter of top leaders of other countries," pointed out Abdul Rahman who is also Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister, in his Twitter @mpkotabelud, today.
He was commenting on Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's statement that the people had rejected the country's top leadership based on the comments in social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
He said the UMNO deputy president must realise that the same thing had happened to him when he was still in the Barisan cabinet.
"He was also criticised heavily in Facebook and Twitter. Did he take a break?" asked Abdul Rahman.
Muhyiddin was reported to have rebuked the prime minister in a speech at a gathering, "Majlis Bersama Timbalan Presiden UMNO" at Kelab Sultan Sulaiman in Kampung Baru here yesterday.
Abdul Rahman stressed that there was only one institution in any political party, which is presidential, and which must be upheld by its members.
"I have never heard of a deputy presidential institution," he said, adding that Muhyiddin should instead advise former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to rest from politics.
"Tan Sri Muhyiddin's "take a break" advice should be directed to Tun (Dr) Mahathir. It has been too long..," he added.
#Abdul Rahman Dahlan #BN #leaders #Muhyiddin Yassin #Negative comments #social media