PM wants civil servants to maintain integrity to justify recognition given by govt

Mei 6, 2024 09:19 MYT
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said civil servants should identify individuals who tarnish the reputation of the civil service. - BERNAMA
PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has urged civil servants to maintain their service integrity to justify the recognition and confidence accorded them by the government through salary adjustments under the Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA).
Speaking at a monthly gathering with staff of the Prime Minister's Department here today, he said civil servants should identify individuals who tarnish the reputation of the civil service.
"So I ask that while we provide a somewhat radical shift in terms of recognition and rewards to civil servants, you should monitor your departments and colleagues to identify those who tarnish the reputation of civil servants.
"There is a small group involved in corruption, absenteeism and various problems. Should we treat this small group the same way? My answer is no, we will not provide the same treatment," he said.
Also present were Deputy Prime Ministers Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, and Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali.
Anwar, who is also the Finance Minister, said the government has made a radical and bold decision to increase the salaries of civil servants when the country has not fully recovered from economic uncertainties and problems such as leakages and corruption.
"If we follow economic considerations, standard economic theory, all salary increases should be postponed until the economy is more stable, meaning less debt.
"But I see it from the perspective of MADANI, compassion, humanity, efficiency level and sustainability. Why should we burden civil servants for mistakes not solely of their making but sometimes due to mismanagement and negligence by many other parties?
"Based on this consideration, they should not be made to shoulder the burden. It is appropriate for us as the father figure in the large government family to make the bold decision (to increase civil servants' salaries)," he said.
He said the decision to increase civil servants' salaries has also been extensively discussed with the top government management such as Mohd Zuki and Public Service Department director-general Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz.
Anwar said the government's decision to increase civil servants' salaries is to instill confidence in public sector workers that the MADANI government leadership is genuinely serious about finding the best possible way to help.
Anwar expressed confidence that the proposed salary hike for civil servants will be approved by Parliament during the Budget 2025 session in October.
"There are some who dispute, saying it's not settled yet and Parliament may not approve it.
"I would like to know which Member of Parliament wants to object. Even if they oppose, we have Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional, Gabungan Parti Sarawak and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah to give two-thirds majority (support), Insya Allah," he said.
On May 1, in conjunction with the national-level 2024 Labour Day celebration, Anwar announced a salary hike of more than 13 per cent effective this December, involving an allocation of more than RM10 billion, for civil servants.
Anwar said the salary adjustment under the SSPA review will ensure that the lowest ranking civil servants will earn at least RM2,000 a month.
Meanwhile, in his speech at the Immigration Department's 'Inculcation of Noble Values and Aidilfitri MADANI' celebration here today, the Prime Minister emphasised that the decision to raise the salaries of civil servants is not aimed at winning their hearts but is a responsibility that the government must fulfil.
He said as the 'father' figure in a large government family, it is his responsibility to recognise the contributions made by his 'children' (civil servants) in an appropriate manner.
"I am the 'father' in the government; these brothers and sisters are my children who work, and I am the strict father who demands better work, contributions and performance.
"So if I ask for everything more, it wouldn't be right not to consider recognising their contributions and ensuring that their families are not burdened (with the cost of living); that's all I am doing," he said.
In rejecting claims by certain quarters that the salary hike he announced on May 1 was excessive, Anwar said the adjustment is commensurate with the responsibility and pressure faced by civil servants in providing the best service and performance.
#Anwar Ibrahim #civil servants #SSPA #Fadillah Yusof #English News