SOP to handle child sex crimes expected to finalise Oct 30

September 29, 2017 22:57 MYT
Azalina says the Child Witness Act 2007 needed to reviewed and amended as there were many sophisticated technologies available today. - Photo for illustration purpose
Four special guidelines to handle cases of sexual offences against children is expected to be finalised by Oct 30, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said.
She said the special Standard Operating Procedures to be used was in accordance with international best practices and would meet the needs and requirements of child witnesses.
"The government's hope is to provide protection to children in all aspects whether in making a report, at the court and so forth," she told reporters after opening the first working committee on the preparation of special guidelines for the handling of cases on sexual crimes against children here Friday.
The special SOP is the guidelines for receiving reports and investigations on cases of sexual crimes against children; trial on cases of sexual crimes against children; on handling child witnesses/victims and on providing protection and support to children who are victims of sexual crimes.
She said the working committee would conduct a comprehensive study and get the views of all stakeholders, including on child psychology.
Among the working committee members are Federal Court Chief Registrar's Office, Attorney General's Chambers, Royal Malaysia Police, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Legal Aid Bureau, Welfare Department, Bar Council, academicians and non governmental organisations.
Azalina was also of the view that the Child Witness Act 2007 needed to reviewed and amended as there were many sophisticated technologies available today.
Touching on media reports, she said based on the Child Act any child involved in any cases must be given protected and their name and appearance should never be exposed even when wearing caps and masks.
#Azalina Othman Said #Child Act #Child Witness Act #children #guidelines #media report #sexual crimes #sexual offence #special SOP #standard operating procedures #working committee