Tahaluf siyasi: Pas members must abide by Syura council's decision

Mei 1, 2017 12:08 MYT
PAS ended its political collaboration with DAP in 2015.
PAS members must accept and abide by the decision made by PAS Ulama Syura Council relating to the proposal to end the party''s political collaboration (tahaluf siyasi) with Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
PAS Dewan Ulama secretary Datuk Dr Mohd Nik Zawawi Salleh said for PAS members to be politicallly matured was to leave it to the leadership and the Ulama Syura Council to decide and to abide by the decision.
"The decision may not be popular, or not as many have anticipated it would be, or the Ulama Syura Council president may use certain political approach to make it.
"...but once the decision is made about the collaboration with PKR and for a better future for our party, we all must abide by the decision and pledge our full support to our leadership without badmouthing about it. InsyaAllah, we will be fine," he said when winding up the debate at the 63rd PAS Muktamar (general assembly) here today.
Dr Mohd Nik Zawawi said although the general assembly had passed the motion to end the party''s political collaboration with PKR and that it had been accepted unanimously by the delegates, the matter would only be finalised by the Ulama Syura Council in its meeting to be held soon.
Earlier, PAS Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Mahfooz Mohamed said the decision to end the collaboration with DAP and PKR was not done in haste, but rather had been given a long and ample time for discussion and consideration.
He said it was only apt for the issue of tahaluf siyasi be left to the Syura Council to decide as it involved the Islamic principles.
The issue of PAS'' political collaboration with its allies in the opposition pact - DAP and PKR - had become one of the hot topics of debate since the party''s 59th Mutktamar in 2013 as it was deemed non-beneficial to PAS.
PAS ended its political collaboration with DAP in 2015.
#Mohd Nik Zawawi Salleh #Parti Keadilan Rakyat #PAS #PAS Ulama Syura Council #PKR #Syura Council