Tanjong Datu by-election result expected by 8pm tomorrow - EC chairman

Februari 17, 2017 05:26 MYT
Mohd Hashim said the EC polling team for Telok Melano would the first of the 25 teams to leave for their areas.
The Election Commission expects to announce the result of the Tanjong Datu state by-election by 8pm tomorrow, said EC chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Hashim Abdullah.
Polling starts at 8am tomorrow and the polling stations will close at noon, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm or 5pm, depending on the locality.
Mohd Hashim advised the voters to vote early.
A total of 9,771 people are eligible to vote tomorrow. Some 188 others, comprising police and military personnel, had voted on Feb 12.
The by-election is being held following the death of Tan Sri Adenan Satem, who was Sarawak chief minister, on Jan 11.
Adenan's widow, Datuk Amar Jamilah Anu, 61, is the Barisan Nasional candidate in the three-cornered contest. The other candidates are Johnny Aput of the State Reform Party and Rapelson Richard Hamit of Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru.
Mohd Hashim said the EC polling team for Telok Melano would the first of the 25 teams to leave for their areas.
The Telok Melano team would leave today because it had to travel 32 kilometres in four-wheel-drive vehicles along uncompleted sections of the Pan Borneo Highway (from Sematan to Telok Melano), he said.
"The fastest way is, of course, by boat but we fear the sea will be choppy tomorrow. They will return by helicopter with the ballot boxes," he said.
Mohd Hashim said the EC expected a 75 per cent turnout of voters tomorrow.
#by-election #EC chairman #Election Commission #result #Tajong Datu