Three suspects detained an hour after robbing PC shop

November 8, 2012 08:42 MYT
Three robbers were detained just an hour after robbing a computer shop in Taman Industri, Mentakab, near here yesterday.
The three suspects, aged between 26 and 31, and believed to be from Triang, Bera and Bandar Jengka Maran, were detained by police at about 3.45pm in the same area.
Temerloh acting police chief Supt Zundin Mahmood said during the incident, two robbers had entered the shop with sticks while their accomplice waited in a car.
The robbers threatened the owner of the shop and escaped with his hand phone and RM800 cash," he said when contacted here today.
The victim lodged a report at the Mentakab police station before police carried out a manhunt for the trio.
#Bandar Jengka Maran #robbers #temerloh