UMNO cannot hope to be in the comfort zone all the time - Idris Haron

Mei 10, 2014 14:59 MYT
Melaka Umno liaison chairman - File pic
With the changing political landscape and needs, Umno should not always hope to be in the comfort zone and able to get the people's support, Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron said on Saturday.
Idris, who is Melaka Umno liaison chairman, said Umno should change positively in tandem with time, not only to meet the political needs, but also that of the people.
He said the people had always wanted a political party which could administer and manage the country efficiently.
"The needs during post-Independence and that of today are different, but Umno has succeeded in bringing transformation that it is able to meet the people's aspiration.
"The transformation has to be continued. In fact, we cannot work like before, we are now in a new era, where if we cannot do it, in future, I am afraid, Umno will no longer be the people's choice," he told reporters at a function at the Falak Al-Khawarizmi Complex, Tanjung Bidara here.
Idris said this in response to a statement by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on Friday that although Umno is still accepted by the people, the support for the party is declining.
#Datuk Seri Idris Haron #Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad #UMNO