Upholding ethnic cultures in the state can contribute to development - Sabah CM

Mac 25, 2017 23:51 MYT
He said while developing the state, customs and culture were not neglected.
The Sabah Government is confident its efforts to uphold ethnic cultures in the state can contribute to its development, says Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
He said the culture and customs of the various races in the state would encourage unity and harmony among the people, which would be the main elements towards transforming the state's development to a higher level.
He added that while developing the state, customs and culture were not neglected.
"This is because culture is an important aspect in our lives as it represents the identity of a race, community and ethnic group which must be preserved and upheld for our sake and those of future generations," he said at the ground-breaking ceremony for the Bajau Sama Sabah Cultural Centre building here, Saturday.
On the RM7.5 million cultural centre which would be built this year, Musa said it would not only showcase the uniqueness of the Bajau Sama community but could also be an interesting tourism product.
He added it could also open up opportunities for the local community to generate their socio-economic development through participation in the local tourism sector.
#ethnic cultures #Musa Aman #Sabah CM