Vaccination: Teachers should set good example, protect students - Johor Sultan

Ogos 23, 2021 09:04 MYT
The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today said teachers should set a good example and protect their students instead of placing them in danger by rejecting COVID-19 vaccination. - Facebook / @officialsultanibrahim
JOHOR BAHRU: The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today said teachers should set a good example and protect their students instead of placing them in danger by rejecting COVID-19 vaccination.
Sultan Ibrahim, in a post on his official Facebook page also reiterated the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 and the need for it to be increased in order to achieve herd immunity.
"Civil servants, including teachers, should not doubt the importance of getting vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and their communities.
"My family and I have completed our vaccination doses. As I said before, do not be easily swayed by anti-vaxxers. Trust our certified medical professionals. Those rejecting vaccination without any valid reason are just opening themselves to the risk of being infected," he said.
Sultan Ibrahim also hoped that all Johoreans will be vaccinated as soon as possible so that they can return to normal lives as before.
Yesterday, the Tunku Mahkota of Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim summoned the State Education Department director and 779 teachers in the state rejecting COVID-19 vaccination to have an audience with him as soon as possible.
This was after State Education, Information, Heritage and Culture Committee chairman, Mazlan Bujang told the Johor State Assembly revealed that a group of teachers in the state had refused to be inoculated.
As of Aug 19, he said a total of 45,448 or 96.26 per cent of teachers in Johor had received the first dose, and 23,746 others had completed both doses of the vaccination.
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