Selangor people will lose because of suspended federal projects

Februari 22, 2013 09:54 MYT
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today said the Selangor government's proposed action to suspend all federal projects in the state would only serve to disadvantage the people.
He described the action as unwarranted as not only would the people be on the losing end, Selangor's progress would also be stunted.
"We will discuss the issue and decide on what action to take, whether we apply for a court order or other follow-up action; but whatever the state wants to do, the people will stand to lose," he stressed at a media conference after attending a special meeting with Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) component party leaders here Friday.
Najib's comments were directed at the Selangor government which has suspended all federal projects in the state including roads and infrastructure, pending an appeal against a High Court ruling that the Sepang Municipal Council had no authority to issue a notice to remove the Automatic Enforcement System (AES) cameras.
Meanwhile, the prime minister also dared Pakatan Rakyat leaders to sign the Transparency International Malaysia Election Integrity Pledge.
"All this while they accused the BN of many things; we have willingly signed the pledge. If they are really fighting against power abuse and corruption, now is the time to prove it. They had been consistent and firm in their stance yet are reluctant to sign," he noted.
According to him, the integrity pledge would potentially curb power abuse, vote-buying, misappropriation of funds and contributions to political parties, and other election offences.
Najib was asked to comment on PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's statement that the party would not sign the pledge.
#election #Federal Projects #Kuching #najib #Selangor