Opposition actions will not affect BN - Rahman Dahlan

Ogos 19, 2015 00:10 MYT
ABDUL RAHMAN: GHB would die off like other splinter parties which once existed in the country. -BERNAMApix
Barisan Nasional (BN) Strategic Communications director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan is confident whatever the opposition parties do would not worry the BN.
This includes DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang's hopes on the new opposition coalition to be formed on Sept 16 after the launch of the new party Gerakan Harapan Baharu (GHB).
In fact, Abdul Rahman, who is also Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government, said GHB which was reportedly said to be formed on Aug 31, would die off like other splinter parties which once existed in the country.
"We will not be affected by any action of the opposition parties. Whether they want to have the spirit of Semangat 46, Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah and Pakatan Rakyat, does not worry us in BN.
"What is important to BN is to continue the tradition of serving the people and ensuring that security, economic stability and unity are the core of our struggles," he said.
Abdul Rahman was speaking to reporters after attending a special meeting on disasters at the Kota Belud district office on Tuesday.
He said the GHB would not be able to attract PAS and UMNO members to join them as they were highly disciplined and principled, and the targets of GHB would be members of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
"So PAS will not be affected, UMNO will not be affected. God willing, the GHB will die like the other parties before this," he said.
Commenting on the statement by Kit Siang in a news portal (Star Online), that the Inspector-General of Police detained him for allegedly spreading false news on the same portal, Abdul Rahman who is also the member of parliament for Kota Belud said if the opposition could believe Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would transfer civil servants so as to block investigations into various issues, then they must also believe the theory that there was an attempt by certain parties to criminalise Najib.
In his interview with the news portal, Abdul Rahman said he did not touch on whether there was a charge sheet as claimed by Kit Siang.
"Whether there is a charge sheet or not, we leave it to the IGP to investigate and explain. I do not have any information on that," he said.
Abdul Rahman said Kit Siang's age had caused him to misunderstand the article.
#BN #DAP #GHB #Lim Kit Siang #opposition #Rahman Dahlan