Permatang Pauh by-election: PKR Youth guarantees media's safety at the polls

April 9, 2015 00:22 MYT
Dr Afif, who is also Seberang Jaya state assemblyman, said the party had decided to deploy a few security officers in the three state constituencies of Permatang Pasir, Penanti and Seberang Jaya. - File Photo
Parti Keadilan Rakyat Youth deputy chief Dr Afif Bahardin has guaranteed the safety of media members covering the coming Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.
While admitting it would be a tense contest in the by-election, he said he had told all party members and supporters to be disciplined during the campaign period.
"During our many meetings earlier, I briefed all members to be disciplined and not threaten any media member on duty during the campaign," he told Bernama when contacted here, Wednesday.
Dr Afif, who is also Seberang Jaya state assemblyman, said the party had decided to deploy a few security officers in the three state constituencies of Permatang Pasir, Penanti and Seberang Jaya.
The Permatang Pauh parliamentary election has seen some untoward incidents, with at least two cases during the 2008 by-election where media personnel were set upon by mobs or threatened by opposition supporters.
#Dr Afif Bahardin #Parti Keadilan Rakyat Youth #Penanti #Permatang Pasir #Seberang Jaya