I am not suitable to be the next FAM president - TMJ

Suganthi Suparmaniam
September 11, 2015 06:59 MYT
Speculation is rife that the Johor prince might take over as the next FAM president following the football team dismal performance lately.
Tunku Mahkota of Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim said he is not interested in being the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) president as he would be biased should any issue associated with Johor arise.
In an interview published on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page, he also said that he was unsuitable for the position.
“Unlike some people, I am not suitable to be FAM President. It because of one reason and one reason only. I love Johor, and I will always be biased should there be any issues associated with Johor,” he said.
“Therefore, because of this conflict of interest, I am not the right candidate to take over the Presidency,” the prince who is also fondly known as TMJ added.
However, he said if the FAM wants to have him in the association he hoped they will amend its constitution.
He said most of the officials at FAM are elected members whom he said are not there for their passion for football.
“You must understand the people there are elected members. Most of them are there for the wrong reasons and not there for football. How can I work like this? In Johor for instance, I have total control from the high ranks all the way to the bottom,” he said.
“In FAM I may be sitting together on the same table as those I can't work with and I can't kick them out as they are all elected.
“The whole country knows that I am very direct. I prefer to be direct than diplomatic. I prefer the man who handles FAM to be impartial, neutral and do not display any favoritism towards any teams participating in the country and obviously not corrupt,” he said.
Speculation is rife that the Johor prince might take over as the next FAM president following the football team dismal performance lately.
#FAM #Johor prince #TMJ #Tunku Mahkota Ismail Sultan Ibrahim