Dashing F4 driver, Isyraf Danish makes Indonesian girls restless

Mariah Ahmad
Februari 7, 2017 15:01 MYT
Since Isyraf's image was uploaded on Sunday, it has received over 33,000 likes.
Malaysia's Formula 4 driver, Isyraf Danish Mohd Ghazali, 16, is now the craze of Indonesian girls since he participated in the South East Asia Formula 4 tournament in the Republic recently.
It started when an Instagram account holder @Faktanyagoogle highlighted Isyraf as one of the most trending topic in Indonesia.
Since Isyraf's image was uploaded on Sunday, it has received over 33,000 likes.
Dalam siri kejohanan FA SEA kali ini, Isyraf merupakan antara pelumba yang termuda menyertai perlumbaan tersebut.
In this edition of SEA F4 championship, Isyraf was the youngest racer. In similar championship in Sepang circuit last year, he emerged champion.
Isyraf juga sebelum ini pernah menjadi sensasi di media sosial melalui video pendek Musical.ly dan Dubmash.
Prior to this, Isyraf was a sensation on social media after he uploaded several short Musical.ly and Dubmash short videos.
#Formula 4 #Isyraf Danish Mohd Ghazali