Carian mengenai topik labour-shortage

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai labour-shortage dari Astro Awani

Analysis: Malaysian workers need more clout to demand for better pay, conditions

Analysis: Malaysian workers need more clout to demand for better pay, conditions

Employees voiced out their pressing concerns about the rising cost of living and labour shortage.
Wed May 03 2023
186,000 foreign workers needed in agricultural sector - Chan

186,000 foreign workers needed in agricultural sector - Chan

Chan said so far a total of 3,000 foreign workers have been registered through the Labour Recalibration Programme 2.0 to fill in the vacancies.
Wed Feb 15 2023
Malaysian tech firm aims to tackle labour issues for farming through digitalisation, local workforce

Malaysian tech firm aims to tackle labour issues for farming through digitalisation, local workforce

While some may think the answer to the labour shortage problem is by bringing in more foreign workers, a Malaysian tech firm offers a more sustainable alternative.
Sat Jan 07 2023
Labour shortages set up Malaysia for third year of palm oil losses

Labour shortages set up Malaysia for third year of palm oil losses

Palm oil planters are letting thousands of tonnes of fruits rot as worker shortage has left companies unable to harvest during peak season.
Thu Sep 08 2022
Plantation sector most affected by temporary freeze on workers

Plantation sector most affected by temporary freeze on workers

Malaysia is reportedly facing a significant labour shortage in the manufacturing, plantation and construction industries.
Thu Jul 14 2022
Malaysia firms turn down orders as migrant labour shortage hits

Malaysia firms turn down orders as migrant labour shortage hits

Despite lifting a COVID-19 freeze on recruiting foreign workers in February, Malaysia has not seen a significant return of migrant workers.
Mon Jun 13 2022
Construction labour shortage due to rising palm oil price - Fadillah

Construction labour shortage due to rising palm oil price - Fadillah

The increase in palm oil prices in the plantation sector has attracted workers from other sectors, said Senior Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.
Fri Jun 10 2022
Govt to help Pan Borneo contractors facing problems - Fadillah

Govt to help Pan Borneo contractors facing problems - Fadillah

The government is ready to assist contractors of the Pan Borneo Highway project who are struggling with labour shortage and higher costs of construction materials.
Thu Jun 09 2022
FMM expresses concern over govt's plan to export skilled Malaysians to Japan

FMM expresses concern over govt's plan to export skilled Malaysians to Japan

Soh said there were no prior consultations or details made available on this potential skill export to Japan.
Tue May 31 2022
90 pct of garbage backlog around Ipoh cleared

90 pct of garbage backlog around Ipoh cleared

A total of 19 vehicles and 102 workers have been deployed as backup to clear the backlog.
Thu May 12 2022
Mamak restaurants not ready to operate 24 hours due to labour shortage

Mamak restaurants not ready to operate 24 hours due to labour shortage

Jawahar said currently only 25 per cent of the 9,000 Presma members nationwide are able to operate 24 hours.
Mon Apr 04 2022
Felda able to cope with foreign labour shortage through various measures

Felda able to cope with foreign labour shortage through various measures

The shortage of foreign workers affecting most of the country's palm oil industry players does not present a great obstacle for Felda to continue to drive the development of the agriculture sector.
Thu Feb 17 2022
Malaysia's readiness to bring in 32,000 foreign workers is subject to MOUs - MPIC

Malaysia's readiness to bring in 32,000 foreign workers is subject to MOUs - MPIC

MPIC in a statement, said for Indonesia, sending workers to Malaysia would benefit both countries.
Mon Oct 25 2021
Act 446: Not suitable time to raise fines for errant employers - Saravanan

Act 446: Not suitable time to raise fines for errant employers - Saravanan

Saravanan said this based on the current state of the country's economy with the crisis of labour shortage faced by many companies.
Tue Sep 28 2021
Rats, drought and labour shortages eat into global edible oil recovery

Rats, drought and labour shortages eat into global edible oil recovery

Malaysia is facing a perfect storm of production headwinds that will likely drag global stocks to their lowest level in five years.
Sun Sep 05 2021
McDonald's Malaysia bersama Palestin, derma RM1 juta kepada tabung kemanusiaan

McDonald's Malaysia bersama Palestin, derma RM1 juta kepada tabung kemanusiaan

Azmir berkata pekerja restoran makanan segera itu telah mengumpul dana lebih RM100,000 untuk membantu mereka yang terjejas di Palestin.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Polis tembak mati dua lelaki di R&R Tanjung Malim

Polis tembak mati dua lelaki di R&R Tanjung Malim

PDRM mengesahkan dua lelaki ditembak mati dalam kejadian berbalas tembak dengan polis di Hentian Sebelah Tanjung Malim arah utara, Perak.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Airbus beri amaran, isu Boeing boleh jejas seluruh industri

Airbus beri amaran, isu Boeing boleh jejas seluruh industri

Masalah teknikal yang sedang dihadapi pengeluar pesawat Amerika Syarikat (AS) Boeing boleh membebankan seluruh industri penerbangan.

Menurut pesaing utamanya, Airbus, masalah Boeing boleh menyebabkan lebih ramai orang mempersoalkan berkenaan keselamatan dan nasib penumpang di dalam penerbangan.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Indonesia tahan buruan Thailand paling dikehendaki di Bali

Indonesia tahan buruan Thailand paling dikehendaki di Bali

Polis Indonesia (Polri) telah menahan Chaowalit Thongduang, buruan paling dikehendaki di Thailand di Bali pada pagi Khamis.

Dia yang juga dikenali sebagai Sia Paeng Nanod dikehendaki selepas melarikan diri selama tujuh bulan.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Konflik Gaza cabar nurani setiap manusia - Khaled Nordin

Konflik Gaza cabar nurani setiap manusia - Khaled Nordin

Konflik di Gaza telah mencabar nurani sebagai seorang manusia serta menguji keberanian penduduk dunia untuk menentang dan mengutuk tindakan pembunuhan beramai-ramai di oleh Israel.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Konflik Gaza cabar hati nurani setiap manusia - Khaled Nordin

Konflik Gaza cabar hati nurani setiap manusia - Khaled Nordin

Malaysia kekal dengan pendirian menyokong gencatan senjata serta-merta dan menyambut baik sebarang cadangan yang membantu ke arah mencapai matlamat itu.
Sun Jun 02 2024
PRK Sungai Bakap: PKR Pulau Pinang serah senarai pendek nama calon

PRK Sungai Bakap: PKR Pulau Pinang serah senarai pendek nama calon

PKR Pulau Pinang menghantar senarai nama calon berpotensi untuk bertanding pada Pilihan Raya Kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Sungai Bakap.
Sun Jun 02 2024
[TERKINI] Kes Zayn Rayyan: Tiada tangkapan terbaru

[TERKINI] Kes Zayn Rayyan: Tiada tangkapan terbaru

Tiada tangkapan terbaru dilakukan berhubung kes pembunuhan kanak-kanak autisme, Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matin yang meninggal dunia akibat dibunuh pada Disember lalu.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Program Jom Jalan Bersama NPC tarik lebih 200 penyertaan

Program Jom Jalan Bersama NPC tarik lebih 200 penyertaan

Program 'Jom Jalan Bersama NPC' yang julung kali diadakan, berjaya menarik lebih 200 penyertaan dari kalangan bekas atlet, wartawan, anak muda dan orang ramai.
Sun Jun 02 2024
Kes bunuh Zayn Rayyan: Beri ruang polis siasat - KPN

Kes bunuh Zayn Rayyan: Beri ruang polis siasat - KPN

PDRM meminta semua pihak memberi ruang kepada polis untuk menjalankan siasatan terperinci berhubung kes bunuh kanak-kanak autisme, Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin.
Sun Jun 02 2024