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Rahmah 5G Package open for subscription from today

Rahmah 5G Package open for subscription from today

The Rahmah 5G Package comes with a basic data plan and a smartphone costing not more than RM240.
Thu Aug 31 2023
GE15: PSB plans to contest not more than 10 seats - President

GE15: PSB plans to contest not more than 10 seats - President

Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) is planning to contest not more than 10 parliamentary seats in the 15th General Election (GE15), said its president Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh.
Sat Aug 27 2022
Shrinkflation: How brands get us to pay more without noticing

Shrinkflation: How brands get us to pay more without noticing

Volumes go down but the price of the products remain the same, if not more!
Sun Aug 07 2022
Funeral process for COVID-19 victims within 24 hours - Selangor MB

Funeral process for COVID-19 victims within 24 hours - Selangor MB

The funeral management involving Muslim COVID-19 fatalities at three hospitals in Selangor will not be more than 24 hours following the implementation of a funeral management initiative.
Tue Aug 03 2021
Act 446: Failure to provide accommodation for employees, 59 employers to be prosecuted - Saravanan

Act 446: Failure to provide accommodation for employees, 59 employers to be prosecuted - Saravanan

For each offence, the employer can be fined not more than RM50,000 if convicted.
Mon Mar 15 2021
Individuals who jump queue for vaccine jabs can be fined RM50,000, jailed six months

Individuals who jump queue for vaccine jabs can be fined RM50,000, jailed six months

Such action could be taken under Section 31 of the Emergency (Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases) (Amendment) Ordinance 2021, which comes into effect on March 11.
Wed Mar 03 2021
Action may be taken for failure to attend vaccination appointment - Health DG

Action may be taken for failure to attend vaccination appointment - Health DG

This was to avoid wastage as the diluted COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine could not be stored for use on other days due to its shelf life of not more than six hours.
Fri Feb 26 2021
Christmas celebration in the Federal Territory allowed

Christmas celebration in the Federal Territory allowed

Attendance for prayers is allowed up to a third of the capacity of the houses of worship or not more than 30 people per session.
Tue Dec 22 2020
Govt to ensure additional allocations to ministries given only once a year - Rahim Bakri

Govt to ensure additional allocations to ministries given only once a year - Rahim Bakri

The government says it will try to ensure that additional allocations for each ministry are provided not more than once a year.
Tue Aug 11 2020
PENJANA's tourism financing scheme now open for application

PENJANA's tourism financing scheme now open for application

The scheme offers up to RM75,000 in financing for micro-companies and up to RM300,000 for SMEs with up to 3.5 per cent interest per year, for a period of not more than seven years.
Thu Jul 30 2020
Sales of national emblems or their imitations prohibited - IGP

Sales of national emblems or their imitations prohibited - IGP

Abdul Hamid said those who are found guilty could be sentenced to not more than three years jail or a fine not more than RM20,000 or both.
Sat Jul 11 2020
Wedding ceremonies allowed from July 1

Wedding ceremonies allowed from July 1

The capacity of the guests allowed was not more than 250 people depending on the size of the venue.
Wed Jun 24 2020
Kedah allows congregational prayers of not more than three people in mosques

Kedah allows congregational prayers of not more than three people in mosques

All mosques in Kedah are permitted to hold congregational fardhu (compulsory) prayers of not more than three people.
Fri Apr 17 2020
COVID-19: RM600 monthly financial aid to workers on unpaid leave - PM

COVID-19: RM600 monthly financial aid to workers on unpaid leave - PM

A monthly aid of RM600 will be given to workers earning a salary of not more than RM4,000, who are on unpaid leave following the spread of the COVID-19 beginning March 1, 2020.
Mon Mar 16 2020
Malaysia optimistic of meeting WHO target in fight against HIV/AIDS

Malaysia optimistic of meeting WHO target in fight against HIV/AIDS

Malaysia is expected to achieve reduced rates of new cases of HIV infection to not more than 11 cases for every 100,000 people this year, in line with the World Health Organisation's (WHO) target.
Fri Dec 02 2016
Angka kematian di Gaza meningkat kepada 37,337 orang

Angka kematian di Gaza meningkat kepada 37,337 orang

Bilangan mangsa yang cedera di Gaza pula mencecah 85,229 orang selain 10,000 orang masih hilang dipercayai maut di bawah runtuhan bangunan.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Penghayatan dan amalan haji mengajar mesej kesederhanaan - PM Anwar

Penghayatan dan amalan haji mengajar mesej kesederhanaan - PM Anwar

Ibadah haji yang disambut mengajar sifat tawaduk dan tidak terpukau dengan tarikan kemewahan dunia yang sementara, kata Perdana Menteri.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Operasi SAR cari nenek, cucu di Bukit Buluh Telur diteruskan pagi ini

Operasi SAR cari nenek, cucu di Bukit Buluh Telur diteruskan pagi ini

Setakat jam 9 pagi tadi, kedua-dua mangsa masih belum dijumpai.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Harga runcit telur gred A,B, C diturunkan 3 sen - PM Anwar

Harga runcit telur gred A,B, C diturunkan 3 sen - PM Anwar

Harga runcit bagi telur ayam gred A, B dan C di pasaran masing-masing 42 sen, 40 sen dan 38 sen sebiji berkuat kuasa hari ini.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Ringkas: Tiga lagi kematian direkodkan

AWANI Ringkas: Tiga lagi kematian direkodkan

Ikuti rangkuman berita utama yang menjadi tumpuan sepanjang hari di Astro AWANI menerusi AWANI Ringkas.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Pagi: Kemeriahan Sambutan Aidiladha di Pantai Timur

AWANI Pagi: Kemeriahan Sambutan Aidiladha di Pantai Timur

AWANI Pagi bersama wakil Astro AWANI di Terangganu, Nur Fazlizai Ali dan di Kelantan, Muhafandi Muhamad dalam berkongsi kelainan dan kemeriahan Aidiladha yang disambut di sana.

Mon Jun 17 2024
Perdana Menteri solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Putra

Perdana Menteri solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Putra

Perdana Menteri Anwar menunaikan solat sunat Aidiladha bersama lebih 20,000 jemaah di Masjid Putra, Putrajaya.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [17 Jun 2024]

AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [17 Jun 2024]

Antara fokus AWANI Pagi bersama Afiezy Azaman & Azib Zikry

Aidiladha: Warga kota pilih bas pulang ke kampung kerana kos murah, dapat rehat

Lebih 1.8 juta umat Islam seluruh dunia tunai ibadat haji tahun ini

Israel sekat kemasukan haiwan korban bagi sambutan Aidiladha di Gaza
Mon Jun 17 2024
Gereja Katedral Jakarta sumbang seekor lembu korban kepada Masjid Istiqlal

Gereja Katedral Jakarta sumbang seekor lembu korban kepada Masjid Istiqlal

Sumbangan haiwan korban itu sebagai tanda toleransi agama dan persahabatan.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Presiden Amerika ucap Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha

Presiden Amerika ucap Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha

Biden turut mendoakan semua jemaah yang menunaikan ibadah haji di Tanah Suci memperoleh haji mabrur.
Mon Jun 17 2024