Carian mengenai topik peace-deal

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai peace-deal dari Astro Awani

Work to be done, PM Sunak says 25 years after N.Irish peace deal

Work to be done, PM Sunak says 25 years after N.Irish peace deal

Rishi Sunak said efforts had to be intensified to restore the power-sharing government central to the accord.
Mon Apr 10 2023
ASEAN still backing Myanmar consensus peace deal - Chair

ASEAN still backing Myanmar consensus peace deal - Chair

Some countries raised concerns over the failure to implement a plan agreed with the junta 18 months ago.
Thu Oct 27 2022
Ukraine willing to be neutral, says Russia wants to split nation

Ukraine willing to be neutral, says Russia wants to split nation

Ukraine is willing to become neutral and compromise over the status of the eastern Donbass region as part of a peace deal, Zelenskiy said.
Mon Mar 28 2022
In Khashoggi's shadow, Macron set for Saudi talks with crown prince

In Khashoggi's shadow, Macron set for Saudi talks with crown prince

Macron considers Saudi Arabia vital to help forge a region-wide peace deal with Iran, as well as an ally in the fight against militants.
Sat Dec 04 2021
For Yemenis fleeing war, US peace efforts offer only faint hope

For Yemenis fleeing war, US peace efforts offer only faint hope

The Yemen conflict has triggered the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
Wed May 12 2021
White House says five more countries seriously considering Israel deals

White House says five more countries seriously considering Israel deals

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said on Thursday that five more countries are seriously considering striking a normalization deal with Israel.
Fri Sep 18 2020
Israel-UAE Peace Deal: Why is it Important?

Israel-UAE Peace Deal: Why is it Important?

On August 13, the United States brokered a peace deal which saw the United Arab Emirates become the first Arab country in nearly 30 years to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel.
Fri Aug 21 2020
Interpol approves membership for State of Palestine over Israeli objections

Interpol approves membership for State of Palestine over Israeli objections

The decision came despite Israeli efforts to delay a vote and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinians' joining the global police agency contravened signed agreements with Israel.
Thu Sep 28 2017
Trump likes two-state solution, but says he will leave it up to Israelis, Palestinians

Trump likes two-state solution, but says he will leave it up to Israelis, Palestinians

Trump stopped short of reasserting a U.S. commitment to eventual Palestinian statehood and instead said again that he would be -satisfied with whatever makes both parties happy.-
Fri Feb 24 2017
Colombian voters nix peace deal in shock vote

Colombian voters nix peace deal in shock vote

Colombians hit their government with a shock defeat Sunday when they voted by a razor-thin majority to reject a historic peace accord with communist FARC rebels.
Mon Oct 03 2016
Philippines govt, Communist rebels agree on indefinite truce: Norway

Philippines govt, Communist rebels agree on indefinite truce: Norway

The Philippine government and Communist guerrillas have agreed an indefinite extension to a ceasefire to facilitate talks on a peace deal.
Fri Aug 26 2016
PM Najib hails relaunch of Bangsamoro peace deal

PM Najib hails relaunch of Bangsamoro peace deal

This is because, peace and harmony would benefit not only Mindanao and the Bangsamoro people, but also the Philippines and the region.
Sat Aug 13 2016
Yemen government accepts UN peace deal

Yemen government accepts UN peace deal

The announcement by the Saudi-backed government came after a high-level meeting in Riyadh chaired by Yemen's President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.
Sun Jul 31 2016
Gunfire near presidential palace in South Sudan

Gunfire near presidential palace in South Sudan

Gunfire erupted near the presidential palace in South Sudan's capital Juba on Friday, a day after a deadly clash dealt a new blow to a shaky peace deal in the world's youngest country.
Fri Jul 08 2016
Syria peace deal elusive as ever in wake of Islamic State attacks

Syria peace deal elusive as ever in wake of Islamic State attacks

Diplomats say major powers are no closer to a peace deal to end nearly five years of bloodshed and chaos in Syria.
Fri Nov 20 2015
Dunia membahang, adakah kita sudah melampaui batas selesa?

Dunia membahang, adakah kita sudah melampaui batas selesa?

Dunia terus membahang, adakah kita sudah melampaui batas? Ini amaran buat kita semua...8.1 bilion penduduk bumi.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Panas! Penduduk Rom mula rasa bahang gelombang haba

Panas! Penduduk Rom mula rasa bahang gelombang haba

Panas! Panas! Panas! Impak gelombang panas turut dirasai di Rom, Itali dengan penduduknya kini berada dalam mod bersiap sedia. Air kena cukup, badan harus sentiasa hidrasi berdepan cuaca ekstrem yang belum mereda....dan ini disebabkan perubahan iklim.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Sekolah UNRWA diserang, EU gesa Israel disiasat

Sekolah UNRWA diserang, EU gesa Israel disiasat

Wakil Tinggi Kesatuan Eropah (EU) menggesa agar siasatan yang telus dijalankan terhadap Israel berkenaan serangan yang berlaku di sebuah sekolah seliaan Agensi Bantuan dan Kerja Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa ersatu bagi Pelarian Palestin (UNRWA) yang mengorbankan 40 orang awam pada Khamis.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Empat kritikal, sembilan lagi cedera kedai meletup

Empat kritikal, sembilan lagi cedera kedai meletup

Sekurang-kurangnya 13 cedera dalam kejadian letupan dan kebakaran di sebuah kedai rangkaian membaiki rumah di timur laut Romania pada Jumaat.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Umat Islam di Malaysia sambut pada 17 Jun 2024

Umat Islam di Malaysia sambut pada 17 Jun 2024

Umat Islam di Malaysia akan menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha pada 17 Jun 2024.
Perkara itu seperti yang dimaklumkan oleh Penolong Setiausaha Majlis Raja-Raja, Datuk Haji Mohd Aseral Jusman seperti yang diperkenankan oleh Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Ibrahim pada Jumaat.
Fri Jun 07 2024
TH atur pergerakan semasa operasi Masyair, elak kesesakan

TH atur pergerakan semasa operasi Masyair, elak kesesakan

Bagi mengelakkan kesesakan akibat lebh 3 juta jemaah haji dari seluruh dunia tertumpu semasa Operasi Masyair termasuk wukuf di Arafah, Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) mengatur perjalanan serta pergerakan 31,600 jemaah dan 600 petugas dengan 50% peratus akan melakukan nafar awal dan nafar thani.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Kolaborasi DNB-Shopee promosi manfaat 5G, digitalisasi sektor PMKS

Kolaborasi DNB-Shopee promosi manfaat 5G, digitalisasi sektor PMKS

Perusahaan Mikro, Kecil dan Sederhana (PMKS) memainkan peranan penting khususnya dalam ekonomi negara, dengan menyerap 7.6 juta pekerja dan menyumbang kepada 38 peratus, atau kira-kira RM580 billion, kepada produk domestik kasar (GDP) negara, menurut Menteri Digital Gobind Singh Deo.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Anwar terima kunjungan hormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri New Zealand

Anwar terima kunjungan hormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri New Zealand

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini menerima kunjungan hormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Luar New Zealand Winston Peters.
Fri Jun 07 2024
MPI 2023: Astro AWANI rangkul tiga anugerah

MPI 2023: Astro AWANI rangkul tiga anugerah

Astro AWANI berjaya merangkul dua Anugerah Perak dan satu Anugerah Gangsa dalam Hadiah Kewartawanan Malaysia MPI - Petronas 2023.
Hadiah itu disampaikan dalam Malam Wartawan Malaysia 2024 yang dianjurkan di Hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumpur pada Jumaat malam.

Astro AWANI merangkul Anugerah Perak dalam Kategori Video Terbaik menerusi wartawannya, Ridauddin Daud dan jurukamera, Mohd Nasruddin Abdul Samad serta Mohamad Noor Fitri Mohamed Zainuri.
Fri Jun 07 2024
Jangan amal kebebasan bersuara hingga negara porak-peranda

Jangan amal kebebasan bersuara hingga negara porak-peranda

Malam ini berlangsungnya Malam Wartawan Malaysia 2024 dan Hadiah Kewartawanan Malaysia MPI-Petronas di ibu negara.

Tetamu kehormat, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam ucapannya meraikan media sebagai sektor penting dalam membangunkan negara. namun kebebasan itu tegasnya lagi perlu diimbangkan.

Wartawan Firdaus Azil ada butirannya.
Fri Jun 07 2024