Carian mengenai topik risk of infection

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai risk of infection dari Astro Awani

Gout patients advised against puncturing lumps themselves

Gout patients advised against puncturing lumps themselves

The action can carry the risk of infection and joint infections are particularly dangerous as surgery may be required, said Dr Diyana Ahmad.
Fri Jan 05 2024
COVID-19 in Makkah under control, SOPs relaxed - Haj Consul

COVID-19 in Makkah under control, SOPs relaxed - Haj Consul

Muhammad Saimi advises Malaysian pilgrims to continue donning face masks to reduce the risk of infection.
Wed Jun 01 2022
Melaka polls: Ban on gatherings, events from Oct 25 to Nov 27 - Khairy

Melaka polls: Ban on gatherings, events from Oct 25 to Nov 27 - Khairy

To reduce the risk of infection and a sudden increase in COVID-19 cases, any election-related gatherings or social activities will not be allowed, effective tomorrow (Oct 25) until Nov 27.
Sun Oct 24 2021
Student rotation to reduce risk of infection, ease monitoring in schools - Radzi

Student rotation to reduce risk of infection, ease monitoring in schools - Radzi

Radzi said it would also help teachers monitor compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) among students, as only 50 per cent would be present at a time.
Sun Sep 12 2021
MOH recommends to postpone all meetings in Parliament for two weeks - Health DG

MOH recommends to postpone all meetings in Parliament for two weeks - Health DG

The MOH has recommended for all meeting sessions in Parliament to be postponed for two weeks beginning July 29, following the detection of COVID-19 cases and concerns about the risk of infection.
Sun Aug 01 2021
Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines highly effective after first shot in real-world use - U.S. study

Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines highly effective after first shot in real-world use - U.S. study

The risk of infection fell 90 pct by two weeks after the second shot.
Tue Mar 30 2021
Vaccine: Sultan of Selangor gives way to frontliners

Vaccine: Sultan of Selangor gives way to frontliners

Sultan Sharafuddin has stressed that priority should be given to frontline staff as they face a higher risk of infection.
Sat Feb 27 2021
Catching coronavirus outside is rare but not impossible

Catching coronavirus outside is rare but not impossible

Almost all documented coronavirus transmissions have occurred indoors, but experts say that wearing a mask outside is justified because there is still a risk of infection.
Tue Oct 13 2020
Govt to channel aid to family of 'Kampong Boy' following buffalo deaths

Govt to channel aid to family of 'Kampong Boy' following buffalo deaths

He said the priority was to ensure the buffaloes did not leave the shed and mix around with the livestock of other breeders due to the high risk of infection.
Wed Sep 16 2020
M'sia to monitor PCA implementation, risk of infection periodically - MOH

M'sia to monitor PCA implementation, risk of infection periodically - MOH

The Ministry of Health (MOH) will monitor the implementation of the Periodic Commuting Arrangement (PCA) scheme for cross-border travel between Malaysia and Singapore, as well as re-evaluate its imple
Mon Sep 07 2020
Inflight social distancing not mandatory as infection risk is low - AirAsia

Inflight social distancing not mandatory as infection risk is low - AirAsia

AirAsia Bhd has welcomed the government's decision to not make inflight social distancing mandatory.
Sat Jun 13 2020
MOH to study risk of infections including COVID-19 among PATI

MOH to study risk of infections including COVID-19 among PATI

Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said it includes a disease that had long been extinct in the country but was at risk of a recurrence.
Thu May 28 2020
Never take cat bites lightly - DVS

Never take cat bites lightly - DVS

She said the risk of being infected with rabies not only came from dog bites.
Tue Jul 18 2017
What you need to know about those new, deadly heart-surgery infections

What you need to know about those new, deadly heart-surgery infections

Answers to patients' questions about the risk of infection from open-chest bypass surgeries.
Thu Oct 27 2016
Polis buru empat lelaki bersenjata, bertopeng rompak kedai emas di Kajang

Polis buru empat lelaki bersenjata, bertopeng rompak kedai emas di Kajang

Pengunjung sebuah kompleks membeli-belah di Kajang berdepan detik cemas apabila empat lelaki bertopeng dan bersenjata merompak sebuah kedai emas dalam bangunan tersebut pada petang Isnin.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Hampir 30 pasangan dari Malaysia ke selatan Thailand setiap bulan

Hampir 30 pasangan dari Malaysia ke selatan Thailand setiap bulan

Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Narathiwat mendedahkan sekurang-kurangnya 30 pasangan dari Kuala Lumpur, Kelantan dan Terengganu datang ke wilayah berkenaan pada setiap bulan untuk bernikah dan berpoligami.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Netanyahu bubar Kabinet Perang Israel

Netanyahu bubar Kabinet Perang Israel

Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu membubarkan Kabinet perangnya yang dianggotai enam anggota.
Mon Jun 17 2024
40 ditahan dalam Op Mabuk di Johor

40 ditahan dalam Op Mabuk di Johor

Polis Johor menahan 40 individu terdiri daripada 37 warga tempatan dan tiga warga asing berumur 18 hingga 60 tahun dalam Op Mabuk di seluruh daerah di negeri ini sejak Ahad hingga pagi Isnin.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Empat lelaki ditahan kes culik, pukul, ugut remaja

Empat lelaki ditahan kes culik, pukul, ugut remaja

Polis sudah menahan empat lelaki warga tempatan dan sedang mengesan beberapa lagi individu yang terbabit dalam kejadian melarikan dan menculik tiga remaja di sebuah pasar raya di kawasan Skudai.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Malaysia-China sehaluan meneroka bidang masa depan lestari

Malaysia-China sehaluan meneroka bidang masa depan lestari

Selepas 50 tahun, landskap kerjasama diplomatik antara Malaysia dan China boleh disifatkan terus makmur dan progresif yang mana ia terlihat nyata dengan prestasi memberansangkan dari segi ekonomi dan pelaburan antara kedua negara.

Malah, untuk 15 tahun berturut-turut, negara tembok besar itu adalah merupakan pelabur paling utama buat Malaysia.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Anwar-Erdogan senada tingkat bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza

Anwar-Erdogan senada tingkat bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza

Kedua-dua pemimpin turut mengulangi komitmen mengukuhkan kerjasama dalam pertahanan, ekonomi, budaya, perdagangan, pelaburan antara Malaysia-Turki.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Malaysia, Pakistan sepakat solidariti kepada penduduk Gaza - PM

Malaysia, Pakistan sepakat solidariti kepada penduduk Gaza - PM

Malaysia dan Pakistan sepakat untuk terus menyatakan solidariti kepada penduduk Gaza yang terkesan dengan tindakan tidak berperikemanusiaan rejim Zionis Israel.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Cuaca panas hadirkan kebimbangan buat jemaah haji

Cuaca panas hadirkan kebimbangan buat jemaah haji

Kebimbangan mula meningkat selepas mereka mendapat laporan sekurang-kurangnya enam warga Jordan maut akibat cuaca panas pada Sabtu.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Sindiket dadah tumpas, rampasan berbilion euro

Sindiket dadah tumpas, rampasan berbilion euro

Kecekapan pihak penguatkuasa Jerman dalam membanteras kegiatan sindiket pengedaran dadah melibatkan rampasan bernilai berbilion euro.
Mon Jun 17 2024