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WHO is sending more than one million polio vaccines to Gaza to be administered over the coming weeks to prevent children being infected.

WHO sends over 1 mln polio vaccines to Gaza to protect children

WHO is sending more than one million polio vaccines to Gaza to be administered over the coming weeks to prevent children being infected.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Titled Taylor Swift | Songbook Trail the exhibition is made up of 13 installations dotted across the museum's many galleries.

Taylor Swift lends personal items to UK's V&A for museum 'journey'

Titled "Taylor Swift | Songbook Trail" the exhibition is made up of 13 installations dotted across the museum's many galleries.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Optimized sleep repairs bones and muscles, boosts immunity and enhances cognitive function, says Monika Sharma, benefiting athletes greatly.

Olympics - India get sleep doctor on board to put performance anxiety to bed

Optimized sleep repairs bones and muscles, boosts immunity and enhances cognitive function, says Monika Sharma, benefiting athletes greatly.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Democrats will be hoping Kamala Harris will be more effective at communicating her foreign policy goals.

Tougher tone on Israel, steady on NATO: how a Harris foreign policy could look

Democrats will be hoping Kamala Harris will be more effective at communicating her foreign policy goals.
Fri Jul 26 2024
The outage was a stark reminder of the importance of cyber resilience in an increasingly digital world.

Global IT outage: The cyber resilience alarm heard around the world

The outage was a stark reminder of the importance of cyber resilience in an increasingly digital world.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Paris 2024 has pledged to reduce its carbon emissions by half compared to the average emitted during the London and Rio Summer Games.

Olympics - Can Paris 2024 be the greenest Games yet?

Paris 2024 has pledged to reduce its carbon emissions by half compared to the average emitted during the London and Rio Summer Games.
Fri Jul 26 2024
More than 20,000 individuals from the Pala'u community in Sabah found without identity documents, including children and heads of families.

6,200 Malaysians among 28,000 in Pala'u community - Saifuddin Nasution

More than 20,000 individuals from the Pala'u community in Sabah found without identity documents, including children and heads of families.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Some 2,000 private security staff and 45,000 police will be dispatched to ensure ceremony's security, including special intervention forces.

Olympics - What you need to know about the Paris 2024 opening ceremony

Some 2,000 private security staff and 45,000 police will be dispatched to ensure ceremony's security, including special intervention forces.
Fri Jul 26 2024
In mitigating the severe impacts of climate change, Mukriz Mahader and Lydia Hong, Co-directors of the Climate Finance Summit 2024 discuss what is needed to scale up financing to support climate action for a sustainable future.

It's About YOUth: Climate finance: The key to shaping a sustainable future

In mitigating the severe impacts of climate change, Mukriz Mahader and Lydia Hong, Co-directors of the Climate Finance Summit 2024 discuss what is needed to scale up financing to support climate action for a sustainable future.
Fri Jul 26 2024
More than 300,000 spectators are expected to line the banks of the River Seine when the athletes parade through the heart of Paris.

Olympics - Weather forecaster sees rain 'disaster' for opening ceremony

More than 300,000 spectators are expected to line the banks of the River Seine when the athletes parade through the heart of Paris.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Data published by city and regional authorities showed concentrations of enterococci and E.coli bacteria above legal thresholds on July 21.

Olympics - River Seine suitable for swimming six out of seven days from July 17-23

Data published by city and regional authorities showed concentrations of enterococci and E.coli bacteria above legal thresholds on July 21.
Fri Jul 26 2024
The endorsement could help activate and sustain energy and fundraising for Kamala Harris campaign.

Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Harris in video of live call

The endorsement could help activate and sustain energy and fundraising for Kamala Harris campaign.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Ismael El Mayo Zambada is one of the most consequential traffickers in Mexico's history, co-founded Sinaloa Cartel with Joaquin El Chapo.

US arrests Mexican drug lord 'El Mayo' and El Chapo's son in Texas

Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada is one of the most consequential traffickers in Mexico's history, co-founded Sinaloa Cartel with Joaquin El Chapo.
Fri Jul 26 2024
According MOE, the meeting agreed to give consideration to vernacular schools receiving fund donations through the School Management Board.

MOE: Existing guidelines on school programme organisation, donations remain in force

According MOE, the meeting agreed to give consideration to vernacular schools receiving fund donations through the School Management Board.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Lance Corporal Muhammad Alif Monjani, was charged in the Kuala Kubu Bharu Magistrate's Court with murdering Nur Farah Kartini.

Nur Farah Kartini's murder: Chronology of events

Lance Corporal Muhammad Alif Monjani, was charged in the Kuala Kubu Bharu Magistrate's Court with murdering Nur Farah Kartini.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Ditubuhkan pada 1881, FC Girondins de Bordeaux ialah salah satu kelab bola sepak paling terkenal di Perancis.

Bordeaux fail muflis

Ditubuhkan pada 1881, FC Girondins de Bordeaux ialah salah satu kelab bola sepak paling terkenal di Perancis.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Kebakaran melibatkan bangunan kelas A yang dianggarkan musnah 80 peratus.

Medan selera Taman Lembah Keramat terbakar

Kebakaran melibatkan bangunan kelas A yang dianggarkan musnah 80 peratus.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Antara fokus Awani Pagi bersama Nursyazwani Saiful Sham & Azib Zikry<br /><br />- Mahkamah: kes bunuh Nur Farah Kartini dan Zayn Rayyan  <br /><br />- Lapan kawasan rekod cuaca panas berjaga-jaga   <br /><br />- Sukan Olimpik Paris 2024 secara rasmi membuka tirai<br />

AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [27 Julai 2024]

Antara fokus Awani Pagi bersama Nursyazwani Saiful Sham & Azib Zikry

- Mahkamah: kes bunuh Nur Farah Kartini dan Zayn Rayyan

- Lapan kawasan rekod cuaca panas berjaga-jaga

- Sukan Olimpik Paris 2024 secara rasmi membuka tirai
Sat Jul 27 2024
Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara meninggal dunia selepas dipindahkan dari penjara di selatan Israel ke hospital.

Pemimpin Hamas meninggal dunia dalam tahanan Israel

Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara meninggal dunia selepas dipindahkan dari penjara di selatan Israel ke hospital.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Wu dari Shenzen dilaporkan buta mata kiri selepas terkena jangkitan kuman dipercayai dibawa lalat itu.

Lelaki buta mata selepas tampar lalat hinggap di muka

Wu dari Shenzen dilaporkan buta mata kiri selepas terkena jangkitan kuman dipercayai dibawa lalat itu.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Kali ini pada bulan Ogos 2024, ia adalah giliran Kelantan iaitu negeri yang masyhur dengan sejarah pemerintahan Paduka Seri Maharaja Puteri Cik Siti Wan Kembang.

[KOLUMNIS] PRK Nenggiri: Petunjuk persepsi atau prestasi?

Kali ini pada bulan Ogos 2024, ia adalah giliran Kelantan iaitu negeri yang masyhur dengan sejarah pemerintahan Paduka Seri Maharaja Puteri Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Judoka Iraq Sajjad Sehen menjadi atlet pertama yang gagal dalam ujian doping di Sukan Olimpik Paris.

Olimpik Paris 2024: Judoka Iraq atlet pertama gagal ujian doping

Judoka Iraq Sajjad Sehen menjadi atlet pertama yang gagal dalam ujian doping di Sukan Olimpik Paris.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Sekurang-kurangnya 14 orang terkorban, sementara lebih 600,000 yang lain hilang tempat tinggal akibat Taufan Gaemi.

Perubahan iklim punca banjir buruk di Filipina

Sekurang-kurangnya 14 orang terkorban, sementara lebih 600,000 yang lain hilang tempat tinggal akibat Taufan Gaemi.
Sat Jul 27 2024
Bekas Menteri Perpaduan Negara dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Tan Sri Dr Siti Zaharah Sulaiman meninggal dunia pada jam 11.23 malam tadi.

Bekas Menteri Siti Zaharah meninggal dunia

Bekas Menteri Perpaduan Negara dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Tan Sri Dr Siti Zaharah Sulaiman meninggal dunia pada jam 11.23 malam tadi.
Fri Jul 26 2024
Sumbangan PMKS kepada KDNK mencatatkan pertumbuhan 5.0 peratus pada 2023 dengan nilai ditambah berjumlah RM613.1 bilion atau 39.1 peratus kepada ekonomi Malaysia.

Sumbangan PMKS kepada KDNK berkembang 5.0 peratus - Perangkaan

Sumbangan PMKS kepada KDNK mencatatkan pertumbuhan 5.0 peratus pada 2023 dengan nilai ditambah berjumlah RM613.1 bilion atau 39.1 peratus kepada ekonomi Malaysia.
Fri Jul 26 2024