PENYANYI kelahiran Malaysia yang kini berada di Amerika Syarikat berkongsi mesej keamanan dan perpaduan dalam akaun Instagramnya.

Mesej berkenaan dikongsi sebagai kapsyen untuk gambar beliau bersama Suzanne Barakat ketika siri jelajah konsert di AS.

Suzanne merupakan kakak kepada pelajar Islam Deah Shaddy Barakat yang maut ditembak di Chapel Hill, Utara Carolina. Turut menjadi mangsa adalah isteri beliau Yusor Mohammad dan adik perempuannya Yusor Mohammad.

BACA: Pembunuhan tiga pelajar Islam di Chapel Hill sepi di media utama, tidak di media sosial

“Harus kongsi ini sekarang dan ini masa yang terbaik oleh kerana beberapa orang cuba untuk mencetuskan peperangan, dan bagi saya itu menjijikkan,” kongsi Yuna di Instagram.

BACA: 14 terbunuh dalam insiden tembakan di California

BACA: Donald Trump gesa umat Islam dihalang memasuki Amerika Syarikat

Need to share this now I think its the best time to do it in the wake of some people trying to promote war, which to me is disgusting. This photo of me and Suzanne Barakat was taken at a meet and greet session after my show recently in San Francisco. She introduced herself to me & I immedietly realized who she was, I broke into tears, hugged her and thanked her for coming to my show to show love and support. Earlier this year Suzanne lost her brother Deah, his wife, and sister in law to a hatecrime, a tragedy we all know today as the Chapel Hill shooting. This meeting happened just a couple of days after the Paris shooting and had given me a greater meaning to whatever I do. Not a day goes by during my tour in the United States without me praying for everybody's safety. Alhamdulillah I only felt love and positive energy in the venues I was performing at. People of different colours and beliefs coming together under one roof which simply means that unity is possible. This inspires me to be brave. Do not let fear and hate dictate your heart. There are hatemongers out there trying to declare war but we must not give in!! It is important to stand by PEACE and stand up against attacks in all communities. And know that no one should be persecuted for the actions of others. May peace be upon you, no matter what your background is. If your belief is to create a peaceful enviroment, then I am with you my brother/sister. The world needs you. Prayers and condolences to all who lost their loved ones to these tragic attacks.

A photo posted by Yuna (@yunamusic) on

Tambah Yuna, gambar beliau dan Suzanne dirakam beberapa hari selepas insiden tembakan di Paris.

BACA: Dewan Bataclan, tumpuan utama serangan pengganas di Paris

“Ketika jelajah saya di Amerika Syarikat, saya sentiasa berdoa untuk keselamatan semua. Alhamdulilah, saya merasakan persekitaran yang positif di tempat-tempat yang saya membuat persembahan.

“Orang ramai dari pelbagai kaum dan kepercayaan di bawah satu bumbung menunjukkan betapa perpaduan boleh berlaku,” kata Yuna.

Beliau turut menyeru peminatnya untuk menegakkan keamanan dan menentang keganasan.