Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has put his longevity down to eating modestly and living a healthy lifestyle.

The 88-year-old statesman admitted this was something easier said than done as it had taken him a lifetime of struggle to eat healthily.

"People always ask me how I manage to survive this long, (it lies in) simple things.. Not over-eating, not eating too much.

"It's a great struggle for me...but I try not to eat too much. I don't smoke and I don't drink," he said when launching the 'Walk-A-Mile' program at Titiwangsa Lake on Sunday.

He said in jest that it was hard for him to control his appetite given the "wide array of food available in this peaceful country".

"If you can try to control the way you eat, you may be strong at the age of 88 and make a speech (like me)," Dr Mahathir said to laughter from those present at the event.

Among them were his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Yayasan Jantung Malaysia (YJM) chairman Datuk Dr J.S Sambhi, YJM president Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid and Malaysia/Singapore Nestle region head Alois Hofbauer.

Dr Mahathir also joined some 1,500 other participants in the walk in the lake area, which was part of a heart awareness campaign. The event was organised by YJM and Nestle Malaysia.