Thu Oct 08 2015

Riders prepare a post for a horseback competition known as "sortija" at La Sierra neighborhood of La Palma, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. In rural municipalities such as La Palma, cultural councils have been promoting the revival of rich and varied celebrations. - AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

A rider gallops during the "sortija" horseback competition at the La Sierra neighborhood at La Palma, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. The competition consists of galloping riders trying to insert a small stick into a ring, known as a "sortija". - AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

People wait the start of the "sortija" horseback competition in La Sierra neighborhood of La Palma, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. In rural municipalities such as La Palma, cultural councils have been promoting the revival of these rich and varied celebrations. - AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

Riders compete in "sortija" in La Sierra neighborhood at La Palma, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. Rural traditional games are organized in areas where the peculiarity is music and singing, tournaments and sports competitions, skills with horses, rings, greased pole, among others. - AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

A woman on horseback talks with friends at La Sierra neighborhood in La Palma, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. Cultural municipal councils are promoting the recovery of the rich and varied parties or countryside customs as "El Guateque" which is characterized by being a celebration filled with dances and competitive games. - AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

A cowboy dances and sings during a party at La Sierra neighborhood in La Palma, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015. During the the rural celebration known as "El Guateque" theres always lots of music, singing and dancing, local culinary specialties are displayed, along with books published by writers from the area. There is even a competition for singing poets. - AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

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