Carian mengenai topik contract-doctors

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai contract-doctors dari Astro Awani

Contract doctors given permanent positions urged to accept assigned placements

Contract doctors given permanent positions urged to accept assigned placements

Lukanisman Awang Sauni said MOH is still looking into their appeals and considering their application before making any decision.
Mon Jul 10 2023
MOH to immediately fill vacant posts of contract doctors - Dr Zaliha

MOH to immediately fill vacant posts of contract doctors - Dr Zaliha

Dr Zaliha Mustafa said that immediate measures were taken to avoid shortage of medical officers in addition to ensuring the smooth running of the national health service.
Tue Jun 20 2023
COVID-19 cases still under control - Dr Zaliha

COVID-19 cases still under control - Dr Zaliha

Dr Zaliha Mustafa said the number of COVID-deaths was also still low, mostly involving the elderly and individuals with comorbidities.
Tue Apr 18 2023
Dewan Rakyat adjourns sine die, 12 bills passed

Dewan Rakyat adjourns sine die, 12 bills passed

Among the issues raised during their debate were the targeted withdrawal of the EPF, contract doctors and dilapidated schools.
Tue Apr 04 2023
On-call allowance extended to doctors at six clinics involved in project to reduce hospital overcrowding - PM

On-call allowance extended to doctors at six clinics involved in project to reduce hospital overcrowding - PM

PM Anwar said it is also agreed that the payment of the allowance is extended to include weekends.
Tue Apr 04 2023
Over 3,000 contract doctors resigned since 2017 - Dr Zaliha

Over 3,000 contract doctors resigned since 2017 - Dr Zaliha

They chose to join the private sector or other statutory bodies that offer more attractive remuneration, Dr Zaliha.
Fri Feb 24 2023
MOH working to provide placement to contract doctors - Dr Noor Azmi

MOH working to provide placement to contract doctors - Dr Noor Azmi

MOH is working on outlining several matters in an effort to provide placement to contract medical officers at its facilities.
Wed Dec 08 2021
Issue of contract doctors highlight at Dewan Rakyat sitting on today

Issue of contract doctors highlight at Dewan Rakyat sitting on today

The Dewan Rakyat sitting, which enters its 10th day today, will continue with the debate on the Supply Bill 2022 (Budget 2022).
Tue Nov 09 2021
Khairy gives assurance on 'better interim solution' to contract doctors issue

Khairy gives assurance on 'better interim solution' to contract doctors issue

Khairy has given an assurance to find a better interim solution to issues facing health officers serving the government on contract.
Tue Sep 21 2021
[PODCAST] Daily Dose @ 5: Langkawi bound tourists to show proof of COVID-negative status, Australia sees rise in cyber crime reports

[PODCAST] Daily Dose @ 5: Langkawi bound tourists to show proof of COVID-negative status, Australia sees rise in cyber crime reports

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Wed Sep 15 2021
MOH mulls study facilities equivalent to Federal Training Prize for contract doctors - Khairy

MOH mulls study facilities equivalent to Federal Training Prize for contract doctors - Khairy

Khairy said it was one of the measures to ensure the future of contract medical officers.
Wed Sep 15 2021
Contract doctors, vaccine certificates among issues to be discussed in Dewan Rakyat today

Contract doctors, vaccine certificates among issues to be discussed in Dewan Rakyat today

Equally interesting will be a question from Shaharizukirnain Abd Kadir (PAS-Setiu) to Home Minister on action to be taken against those who falsify vaccination certificates.
Wed Sep 15 2021
100 days: MOH to work out best possible solution on issue of contract doctors

100 days: MOH to work out best possible solution on issue of contract doctors

Khairy has given an assurance that he will work out the best possible solution on the issue of contract doctors within the 100-day period the MOH is under his administration.
Sat Sep 04 2021
Health DG hopes Pension Act amendment will lead to contract doctors made permanent

Health DG hopes Pension Act amendment will lead to contract doctors made permanent

Dr Noor Hisham has expressed hope that contract doctors, through amendments to the Pension Act, will be absorbed into permanent positions within two years.
Tue Jul 27 2021
Issues on EOs, contract doctors and COVID-19 dominate second day of sitting

Issues on EOs, contract doctors and COVID-19 dominate second day of sitting

Issues regarding the revocation of the Emergency Ordinances and the rights of contract doctors continued to be raised on the second day of the Special Sitting of Parliament.
Tue Jul 27 2021
PM Thailand disahkan positif COVID-19

PM Thailand disahkan positif COVID-19

Perdana Menteri Thailand Srettha Thavisin mengesahkan hari ini bahawa beliau positif COVID-19.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Dua hilang, tiga selamat insiden bot karam di Belaga

Dua hilang, tiga selamat insiden bot karam di Belaga

Dua penumpang hilang manakala tiga lagi terselamat dalam insiden bot karam di Long Menjawah, Sungai Rajang, Belaga, petang tadi.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Daftar JHEV, kemas kini maklumat untuk bantuan

Daftar JHEV, kemas kini maklumat untuk bantuan

Veteran Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) disaran agar mendaftar dengan Jabatan Hal Ehawal Veteran (JHEV) ATM serta persatuan-persatuan di lokalti masing-masing dan mengemas kini maklumat semasa melalui sistem VIBES 2.0.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Rumah jadi tempat proses ketum diserbu

Rumah jadi tempat proses ketum diserbu

Polis menyerbu sebuah rumah pusaka yang dijadikan tempat memproses air ketum dan berjaya menahan dua lelaki, pada Sabtu.
Sun Jun 16 2024
188 rakyat Malaysia jadi mangsa di beberapa negara

188 rakyat Malaysia jadi mangsa di beberapa negara

Daripada jumlah yang dikenalpasti, sekurang-kurang 109 warga Malaysia terjebak aktiviti 'jobscam' di Myanmar.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Ribuan umat Islam tunaikan solat Aidiladha di Al-Aqsa

Ribuan umat Islam tunaikan solat Aidiladha di Al-Aqsa

Pagi Ahad, ribuan umat Islam berkumpul di masjid tersebut bagi menunaikan Solat Sunat Aidiladha. Lelaki, wanita bahkan kanak-kanak, sebaik sahaja matahari mula terbit, ramai yang sudah ke masjid berkenaan bagi menunaikan solat.
Sun Jun 16 2024
544 kes libat rampasan RM5.18 juta di Sabah tahun ini

544 kes libat rampasan RM5.18 juta di Sabah tahun ini

Pengarahnya George Abas berkata tindakan itu hasil pemeriksaan ke atas 31,206 premis perniagaan, dan kompaun sebanyak RM62,300 serta denda mahkamah berjumlah RM20,000 dikenakan terhadap mereka yang sabit kesalahan.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Agong, Raja Permaisuri zahir ucapan selamat menyambut Aidiladha

Agong, Raja Permaisuri zahir ucapan selamat menyambut Aidiladha

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Ibrahim dan Raja Permaisuri Agong Raja Zarith Sofiah menzahirkan ucapan selamat menyambut Aidiladha kepada seluruh umat Islam di negara ini.
Sun Jun 16 2024
10 maut bas bawa pelancong terjatuh dalam gaung di India

10 maut bas bawa pelancong terjatuh dalam gaung di India

Pasukan penyelamat bergegas ke tempat kejadian sebaik insiden berlaku dan membawa penumpang cedera melalui kawasan pergunungan untuk ke hospital.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Israel jeda operasi taktikal, buka ruang untuk bantuan

Israel jeda operasi taktikal, buka ruang untuk bantuan

Tentera Israel mengumumkan pada Ahad akan menghentikan seketika operasi taktikal ketenteraan di Semenanjung Gaza untuk memberi ruang kepada penghantaran bantuan kemanusiaan.
Sun Jun 16 2024