Carian mengenai topik no contest

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai no contest dari Astro Awani

UMNO met ROS to explain no-contest motion - Ahmad Maslan

UMNO met ROS to explain no-contest motion - Ahmad Maslan

UMNO yesterday met and provided an explanation to the RoS regarding the passing of a no-contest motion for the president and deputy president posts.
Tue Jan 31 2023
UMNO: Decision on motion of no contest for top posts can be referred to ROS - Ismail Sabri

UMNO: Decision on motion of no contest for top posts can be referred to ROS - Ismail Sabri

UMNO members who were dissatisfied with the party's 2022 General Assembly's decision in approving the motion of no contest for the top posts can take the matter to the ROS.
Sat Jan 14 2023
No-contest motion for top two posts complies with UMNO constitution - President

No-contest motion for top two posts complies with UMNO constitution - President

The additional motion at the 2022 UMNO General Assembly on keeping the president and deputy president posts uncontested is valid according to the articles and clauses in the party's constitution.
Sat Jan 14 2023
Majority of UMNO delegates support no-contest motion for top two posts

Majority of UMNO delegates support no-contest motion for top two posts

A majority of delegates at the UMNO General Assembly today supported the motion of no contest for the posts of president and deputy president at the party polls this year.
Sat Jan 14 2023
UMNO delegate calls for no-contest for top two posts to avoid split

UMNO delegate calls for no-contest for top two posts to avoid split

Zawawi Othman cited the rift that occurred in 1987 after then president Tun Mahathir was challenged by Tengku Razaleigh for the top post.
Sat Jan 14 2023
UMNO Assembly: Motion for top two posts not to be contested to be decided tomorrow

UMNO Assembly: Motion for top two posts not to be contested to be decided tomorrow

UMNO Information chief Isham Jalil confirmed that there is a motion calling for the posts of president and deputy president not to be contested.
Fri Jan 13 2023
No proposal to amend UMNO's constitution on no contest for president, deputy posts - Isham

No proposal to amend UMNO's constitution on no contest for president, deputy posts - Isham

There is no proposal to amend UMNO's constitution so that the president and deputy president posts would not be contested, said UMNO information chief Isham Jalil.
Thu Jan 12 2023
140 UMNO division chiefs in support of president, deputy president posts not being contested

140 UMNO division chiefs in support of president, deputy president posts not being contested

140 UMNO division chiefs expressed solidarity for the president's position not to be contested in the UMNO elections expected to be held in May.
Wed Jan 11 2023
DAP calls for no contest against UMNO in Gerik

DAP calls for no contest against UMNO in Gerik

The Gerik parliamentary seat falls vacant following the death of its incumbent Datuk Hasbullah Osman on Monday due to a heart attack.
Tue Nov 17 2020
Motion of no contest for UMNO president, deputy president post

Motion of no contest for UMNO president, deputy president post

Te division also passed a motion of support for Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Sun Aug 13 2017
Actor John Stamos sentenced to three years' probation in DUI case

Actor John Stamos sentenced to three years' probation in DUI case

Actor John Stamos pleaded no contest on Tuesday to a misdemeanour charge of driving in Beverly Hills, California, under the influence of a drug and was sentenced to three years' probation.
Wed Nov 25 2015
MIC leaders: Avoiding contest for president's post will benefit party

MIC leaders: Avoiding contest for president's post will benefit party

A no contest for MIC's president post will only do the party a world of good and strengthen it further, believes party members.
Thu Aug 22 2013
Proposed no contest for Umno post doesn't mean party undemocratic - Shafie

Proposed no contest for Umno post doesn't mean party undemocratic - Shafie

The proposal for the party No.1 and 2 posts not be contested in the coming Umno elections does not mean the party is not democratic.
Mon Aug 19 2013
Sembrong division wants no contest for top two Umno posts

Sembrong division wants no contest for top two Umno posts

The Sembrong Umno Division has adopted the stand that the post of Umno president and deputy president should remain uncontested.
Sat Aug 03 2013
Abdullah supports no-contest for Umno's two top post

Abdullah supports no-contest for Umno's two top post

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he backed the calls for the posts of president and deputy president in Umno to be uncontested in the coming party elections.
Thu Jun 27 2013
Lelaki maut, rakan parah bergaduh di pusat hiburan

Lelaki maut, rakan parah bergaduh di pusat hiburan

Lelaki berusia 20-an itu disahkan meninggal dunia akibat kecederaan parah ketika mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Queen Elizabeth (HQE).
Sun Jun 16 2024
Aidiladha ini, kami korbankan diri sendiri - Penduduk Palestin

Aidiladha ini, kami korbankan diri sendiri - Penduduk Palestin

Orang ramai meletakkan sejadah antara runtuhan bangunan yang musnah, manakala kanak-kanak memakai pakaian yang masih ada untuk menunaikan solat sunat Aidiladha.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Kekejaman zionis: Angka korban di Palestin meningkat ke 37,296

Kekejaman zionis: Angka korban di Palestin meningkat ke 37,296

Tentera Israel melancarkan tiga operasi ketenteraan di Gaza sejak 24 jam lalu, menyebabkan 30 orang maut dan mencederakan 95 yang lain.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Hidup ini keras, haji adalah latihannya - Mufti Selangor

Hidup ini keras, haji adalah latihannya - Mufti Selangor

'Hidup ini keras' merupakan satu ungkapan yang biasa digunakan bagi mengambarkan realiti kehidupan dan kepayahan dalam menempuh segala cabaran di dunia ini.

Menurut Mufti Selangor, Prof. Madya Datuk Dr. Anhar Opir, ungkapan itu juga sinonim dengan ibadat haji, yang melatih jemaahnya untuk berupaya menanggung kesukaran hidup.
Sun Jun 16 2024
PM Anwar luang masa ziarah keluarga Fadhlina

PM Anwar luang masa ziarah keluarga Fadhlina

Anwar yang tiba di Surau Al-Mujahidin, Desa Surada, Bangi pada pukul 12.55 tengah hari ditemani isteri Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Pelakon Indonesia, Risky Tagor berjaya tunai haji dua kali

Pelakon Indonesia, Risky Tagor berjaya tunai haji dua kali

Meskipun baru berusia 35 tahun, pelakon dan pempengaruh Indonesia Risky Tagor berjaya menunaikan ibadah haji sebanyak dua kali.

Berkongsikan pengalaman unik tersebut kepada Astro AWANI, beliau berkata walaupun ibadah itu sudah dikerjakan pada tahun 2017, pengalaman mengerjakan haji tahun ini merupakan satu pengalaman berharga dan bernilai.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Saifuddin sahkan terima aduan kebocoran, serah Fahmi isu sekat Telegram

Saifuddin sahkan terima aduan kebocoran, serah Fahmi isu sekat Telegram

Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail mengesahkan polis telah terima aduan berhubung kebocoran dokuman siasatan kes pembunuhan kanak-kanak autistik, Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Jadi duta pelancongan tanggungjawab berat, namun ia satu tuah - Fan Bingbing

Jadi duta pelancongan tanggungjawab berat, namun ia satu tuah - Fan Bingbing

Beliau berkata Melaka merupakan satu destinasi pelancongan yang unik dan berbeza dengan kebanyakan tempat pelancongan terkenal yang lain.
Sun Jun 16 2024
20 perompak pecah masuk kedai emas di California

20 perompak pecah masuk kedai emas di California

Dalam insiden berkenaan, suspek dilihat memecah pintu kedai dan cermin meja pameran menggunakan tukul sebelum bertindak melarikan barang kemas.
Sun Jun 16 2024
KDN utamakan selesai permohonan kewarganegaraan anak tidak sah taraf, anak angkat

KDN utamakan selesai permohonan kewarganegaraan anak tidak sah taraf, anak angkat

Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) akan beri keutamaan dalam penyelesaian permohonan kewarganegaraan bagi kategori anak tidak sah taraf dan anak angkat.
Sun Jun 16 2024