Carian mengenai topik nuclear-program

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai nuclear-program dari Astro Awani

Iran says nuclear weapons have no place in its nuclear doctrine

Iran says nuclear weapons have no place in its nuclear doctrine

Iran has repeatedly said its nuclear programme only serves peaceful purposes, said ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani.
Mon Apr 22 2024
Iran executes four accused of sabotage, links to Israel's Mossad

Iran executes four accused of sabotage, links to Israel's Mossad

Iran has accused Israel of carrying out several attacks on facilities linked to its nuclear programme and of killing its nuclear scientists over the past years.
Fri Dec 29 2023
North Korea slams UN nuclear agency as US mouthpiece

North Korea slams UN nuclear agency as US mouthpiece

North Korea denounced the UN atomic watchdog for joining US-led pressure campaign and "cooking up" a resolution over its nuclear programme.
Mon Oct 02 2023
Want North Korea breakthrough? China tells US to show flexibility

Want North Korea breakthrough? China tells US to show flexibility

The key to solving the issue of North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear programs is in the United States' hands, China's UN envoy said.
Sat Feb 05 2022
Iran asks watchdog not to publish 'unnecessary' nuke details

Iran asks watchdog not to publish 'unnecessary' nuke details

Iran asked the International Atomic Energy Agency to avoid publishing details on Iran's nuclear program that may cause confusion.
Sun Jan 17 2021
Iran will never ask U.S. for coronavirus help - Official

Iran will never ask U.S. for coronavirus help - Official

Tensions between the two countries have been high since 2018 when U.S. President Donald Trump quit a 2015 agreement that lifted sanctions on Iran in return for curbs to its nuclear programme.
Tue Apr 07 2020
Kim Jong Un praises nuclear programme, promotes sister to centre of power

Kim Jong Un praises nuclear programme, promotes sister to centre of power

Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, was made an alternate member of the politburo - the top decision-making body over which Kim Jong Un presides.
Sun Oct 08 2017
US destroyer challenges China's claims in South China Sea

US destroyer challenges China's claims in South China Sea

The operation came as President Donald Trump's administration seeks Chinese cooperation in dealing with North Korea's missile and nuclear programs.
Thu Aug 10 2017
Southeast Asian states say Korea standoff threatens global peace

Southeast Asian states say Korea standoff threatens global peace

ASEAN called for North Korea to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions on its nuclear programme, and make a positive contribution to regional peace.
Sat Aug 05 2017
US moves THAAD anti-missile to South Korean site, sparking protests

US moves THAAD anti-missile to South Korean site, sparking protests

A spokesman said the decision "ignored public opinion and due process" and demanded the deployment be suspended until the next administration was in place and had made its policy decision.
Wed Apr 26 2017
North Korea says don't mess with us as U.S. plans next move

North Korea says don't mess with us as U.S. plans next move

United States was looking at ways to pressure North Korea over its nuclear programme as North Korean state media warned the Americans of a "super-mighty preemptive strike", saying don't "mess with us"
Thu Apr 20 2017
Chinese wary about US missile system because capabilities unknown - experts

Chinese wary about US missile system because capabilities unknown - experts

China is opposed to the deployment of US anti-missile radars in South Korea because it does not know whether the defences are capable of tracking and countering Beijing's own nuclear programme.
Tue Apr 04 2017
Pentagon: North Korea launches ballistic missiles

Pentagon: North Korea launches ballistic missiles

The government of North Korea fired two ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan on Thursday, a U.S. defense official said.
Fri Mar 18 2016
UN chief urges N. Korea to halt 'destabilizing acts'

UN chief urges N. Korea to halt 'destabilizing acts'

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday called on North Korea to cease "destabilizing acts" such as the launch of two missiles earlier in the day.
Fri Mar 11 2016
Iran's Rouhani to visit Italy, Vatican next month - source

Iran's Rouhani to visit Italy, Vatican next month - source

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will visit Italy next month, his first trip to a European Union capital, and also meet Pope Francis, a diplomatic source said on Wednesday.
Wed Oct 21 2015
AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [17 Jun 2024]

AWANI Pagi: Berita tumpuan & menarik di astroawani.com [17 Jun 2024]

Antara fokus AWANI Pagi bersama Afiezy Azaman & Azib Zikry

Aidiladha: Warga kota pilih bas pulang ke kampung kerana kos murah, dapat rehat

Lebih 1.8 juta umat Islam seluruh dunia tunai ibadat haji tahun ini

Israel sekat kemasukan haiwan korban bagi sambutan Aidiladha di Gaza
Mon Jun 17 2024
Pemimpin dunia sertai sidang kemuncak keamanan Ukraine di Switzerland tanpa Rusia, China

Pemimpin dunia sertai sidang kemuncak keamanan Ukraine di Switzerland tanpa Rusia, China

"Perang ini kekal sebagai kegagalan untuk Putin. Saya berada di Switzerland untuk berdiri bersama Ukraine," kata Naib Presiden AS, Kamala Harris.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Veteran ATM disaran daftar JHEV, kemas kini maklumat untuk bantuan

Veteran ATM disaran daftar JHEV, kemas kini maklumat untuk bantuan

Veteran ATM disaran agar mendaftar dengan JHEV ATM serta persatuan-persatuan di lokalti masing-masing dan mengemas kini maklumat semasa melalui sistem VIBES 2.0.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Nenek, cucu dikhuatiri sesat di Bukit Buluh Telur, Selangor

Nenek, cucu dikhuatiri sesat di Bukit Buluh Telur, Selangor

Seorang wanita warga emas bersama cucu perempuan berusia 12 tahun dikhuatiri sesat ketika dalam perjalanan ke kebun durian di Bukit Buluh Telur, Kuala Kubu Baharu, Selangor, petang Ahad.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Mahasiswa perlu rasional memperjuang isu babitkan rakyat Sabah - Mustapha

Mahasiswa perlu rasional memperjuang isu babitkan rakyat Sabah - Mustapha

Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi, Datuk Mustapha Sakmud mengingatkan mahasiswa supaya bersikap rasional dalam mendepani dan memperjuangkan sebarang isu membabitkan Sabah serta rakyatnya.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Lagi jemaah meninggal dunia, kini 8 orang

Lagi jemaah meninggal dunia, kini 8 orang

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama), Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar memaklumkan seorang lagi jemaah haji Malaysia musim 1445M/2024 meninggal dunia, menjadikan kini 8 orang jemaah haji negara mati di Tanah Suci, daripada kuota 31, 600 orang.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Menteri Kabinet ucap selamat menyambut Aidiladha

Menteri Kabinet ucap selamat menyambut Aidiladha

Bersempena sambutan Aidiladha 1445 Hijrah, 2024 Masihi yang disambut seluruh umat Islam di negara harini.

Beberapa menteri Kabinet turut merakamkan ucapan selamat menyambut Aidiladha kepada semua yang menyambutnya.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Arkib Negara kekal pelihara bidikan sejarah hubungan Malaysia-China

Arkib Negara kekal pelihara bidikan sejarah hubungan Malaysia-China

Arkib Negara masih menyimpan rapi setiap gambar serta dokumen penting rentetan daripada peristiwa bersejarah itu.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Deklarasi Sidang Kemuncak Ukraine di Switzerland dapat sokongan luas

Deklarasi Sidang Kemuncak Ukraine di Switzerland dapat sokongan luas

Sidang Kemuncak Ukraine dihadiri 90 negara, menyokong deklarasi akhir mendesak keselamatan senjata nuklear, pembebasan tahanan awam, dan libat urus Rusia dalam rundingan.

Sun Jun 16 2024
Keamanan Ukraine makin hampir, tapi Putin tidak serius

Keamanan Ukraine makin hampir, tapi Putin tidak serius

Pesuruhjaya Eropah, Ursula von der Leyen, menyatakan keamanan semakin menghampiri Ukraine, namun Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin masih tidak serius menamatkan perang dan menetapkan syarat tidak masuk akal.

Sun Jun 16 2024