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AWANI Tonight: Israeli airstrike in Rafah sparks global protests

AWANI Tonight: Israeli airstrike in Rafah sparks global protests

Thousands of people in the US, France, and Spain took to the streets to condemn Israel’s airstrikes in Rafah, which killed at least 45 people taking refuge in a tent camp.

Tue May 28 2024
Three bakeries resume operations in Gaza with UN aid

Three bakeries resume operations in Gaza with UN aid

Thousands of people showed up to buy food shortly after the announcement was made that bread would be baked in the bakeries again.
Mon Apr 15 2024
In Gaza, even holy month of Ramadan reminds Palestinians of their desperation

In Gaza, even holy month of Ramadan reminds Palestinians of their desperation

Thousands of people who have fled Israeli airstrikes barely have enough food to break the daily Ramadan fast.
Fri Mar 22 2024
Aid ship reaches Gaza coast; Israel rejects Hamas truce offer

Aid ship reaches Gaza coast; Israel rejects Hamas truce offer

If the new sea route is successful, it may help ease hunger crisis in Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of people face malnourishment.
Fri Mar 15 2024
Oldest mosquito fossil comes with a bloodsucking surprise

Oldest mosquito fossil comes with a bloodsucking surprise

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are killed annually by malaria and other diseases spread through the bite of mosquitoes.
Fri Dec 08 2023
What caused the floods in Libya and why are they so bad?

What caused the floods in Libya and why are they so bad?

The catastrophic flood has killed thousands of people in the eastern Libyan city of Derna, sweeping away entire neighbourhoods.
Fri Sep 15 2023
Libya floods wipe out quarter of city, thousands dead

Libya floods wipe out quarter of city, thousands dead

Thousands of people were killed and at least 10,000 were missing in Libya in floods.
Wed Sep 13 2023
For migrants, the Darien Gap is hell; for adventure tourists, it's a magnet

For migrants, the Darien Gap is hell; for adventure tourists, it's a magnet

Panama's notorious stretch of jungle has become a treacherous part of the journey for tens of thousands of people trekking across Americas.
Sat Jul 29 2023
What is the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine and what happened?

What is the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine and what happened?

With water levels surging higher, many thousands of people are likely to be affected.
Wed Jun 07 2023
Netanyahu suspends judicial overhaul after day of Israeli turmoil

Netanyahu suspends judicial overhaul after day of Israeli turmoil

For months, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest a project its critics say would destroy the checks and balances protecting Israeli democracy.
Tue Mar 28 2023
Two decades after Saddam's fall, Iraqis still haunted by disappearances

Two decades after Saddam's fall, Iraqis still haunted by disappearances

Relatives of thousands of people who were killed or disappeared under the dictator believed they would soon find out the fate of love ones.
Mon Mar 13 2023
Life's no longer rosy at Senegal's Pink Lake after floods

Life's no longer rosy at Senegal's Pink Lake after floods

Extreme floods contaminated the lake, threatening thousands of people who depend on it for their livelihood.
Tue Jan 24 2023
Cyber criminals hold Asian tech workers captive in scam factories

Cyber criminals hold Asian tech workers captive in scam factories

Thousands of people have been lured by social media advertisements promising well-paid jobs in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, only to find themselves forced to defraud strangers.
Wed Nov 02 2022
Tamils in Sri Lanka yearn for answers on relatives who disappeared in civil war

Tamils in Sri Lanka yearn for answers on relatives who disappeared in civil war

Thousands of people in Sri Lanka's north and east, went missing during the civil war in what were known as "enforced disappearances".
Wed Oct 26 2022
Australia suffers weather emergency, Melbourne swamped as deluge hits 3 states

Australia suffers weather emergency, Melbourne swamped as deluge hits 3 states

Thousands of people across Australia's southeast were asked to evacuate their homes after two days of incessant rains triggered flash flood.
Fri Oct 14 2022
Kekejaman zionis: Jeti terapung di Gaza dialihkan akibat cuaca buruk

Kekejaman zionis: Jeti terapung di Gaza dialihkan akibat cuaca buruk

Tentera Amerika Syarikat sedang bersiap sedia untuk mengalihkan sementara jeti kemanusiaannya di luar pantai Gaza kerana keadaan laut yang dijangkakan.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Mabit di Muzdalifah, perkara wajib dilaksanakan semasa haji

Mabit di Muzdalifah, perkara wajib dilaksanakan semasa haji

Selepas wukuf, jemaah haji Malaysia meneruskan manasik haji dengan mabit di Muzdalifah, mengutip batu untuk melontar di Jamratul Kubra pada 10 Zulhijjah. Mabit di Muzdalifah ialah perkara wajib dilaksanakan dalam ibadah haji.
Sun Jun 16 2024
TPM Zahid ucap Selamat Hari Bapa kepada semua bapa

TPM Zahid ucap Selamat Hari Bapa kepada semua bapa

Sempena Hari Bapa, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mengucapkan Selamat Hari Bapa yang disambut pada Ahad kepada semua insan yang bergelar bapa.

Menerusi satu hantaran di Facebook, beliau antara lain turut berkata bapanya, Haji Raden Hamidi adalah insan yang memberi impak besar dalam hidup beliau.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Malaysia masih dalam hati - Misbun

Malaysia masih dalam hati - Misbun

Hati Misbun belum 'terbuka' untuk menerima mana-mana tawaran luar negara bagi mendapatkan khidmatnya sebagai jurulatih buat masa ini.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Agong, Raja Permaisuri zahir ucapan Selamat Hari Bapa

Agong, Raja Permaisuri zahir ucapan Selamat Hari Bapa

Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong menzahirkan penghargaan kepada semua insan bergelar bapa bersempena Hari Bapa yang disambut hari ini.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Ibu Menteri Pendidikan Fadhlina Sidek meninggal dunia

Ibu Menteri Pendidikan Fadhlina Sidek meninggal dunia

Datin Dr Siti Zalikhah Md Nor menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada pukul 9.30 pagi tadi di Hospital Serdang.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Tragedi Aidiladha: Dua beradik maut motosikal bertembung kereta

Tragedi Aidiladha: Dua beradik maut motosikal bertembung kereta

Kemalangan dipercayai berlaku apabila motosikal dinaiki dua beradik itu bertembung dengan kereta yang datang dari arah bertentangan.
Sun Jun 16 2024
85 gelandangan di sekitar ibu negara diselamatkan

85 gelandangan di sekitar ibu negara diselamatkan

Operasi itu memberi peluang kehidupan lebih baik kepada gelandangan di samping memastikan imej Kuala Lumpur bersih dan sejahtera.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Lebih 1.8 juta umat Islam seluruh dunia tunai ibadat haji tahun ini

Lebih 1.8 juta umat Islam seluruh dunia tunai ibadat haji tahun ini

Jumlah jemaah haji luar ialah sebanyak 1,611,310 manakala jemaah tempatan 221,854 orang.
Sun Jun 16 2024
Euro 2024: Belgium tidak kisah label underdog

Euro 2024: Belgium tidak kisah label underdog

Belgium tidak bimbang tanggapan mereka bukan pasukan pilihan untuk mendominasi Euro 2024.
Sun Jun 16 2024