Carian mengenai topik war-crimes

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai war-crimes dari Astro Awani

AWANI Tonight: What happens if arrest warrants on Netanyahu, others issued?

AWANI Tonight: What happens if arrest warrants on Netanyahu, others issued?

Will the ICC's arrest warrants against top Israeli and Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes move the needle in finding a reasonable solution to Israel-Palestine conflict? Legal Consultant Aisya Abdul Rahman weighs in.

Tue May 21 2024
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israel's Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israel's Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

Israel and Palestinian leaders dismissed allegations of war crimes, and representatives for both sides criticised ICC prosecutor's decision.
Tue May 21 2024
Gaza hospital staff questioned by ICC war crimes prosecutors, sources say

Gaza hospital staff questioned by ICC war crimes prosecutors, sources say

ICC said it is investigating both sides in the conflict, including both attack by Hamas on Israel and subsequent Israeli offensive in Gaza.
Tue Apr 30 2024
Mass graves in Gaza: What do we know?

Mass graves in Gaza: What do we know?

A mass grave is a burial site containing multiple bodies, the existence of which could be important in detecting possible war crimes.
Fri Apr 26 2024
UN rights body demands Israel be held accountable for possible war crimes

UN rights body demands Israel be held accountable for possible war crimes

The resolution calls for Israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip.
Fri Apr 05 2024
The Future Is Female: Forensic Anthropology - Sue Black on Bones, Bodies & Breakthroughs

The Future Is Female: Forensic Anthropology - Sue Black on Bones, Bodies & Breakthroughs

On this episode of #TheFutureIsFemale Melisa Idris speaks to one of the world's leading anatomists and forensic anthropologists, Professor Dame Sue Black, Baroness Black of Strome and President of St John’s College at Oxford University. She was the lead anthropologist for the British Forensic Team's work in the war crimes investigations in Kosovo, and one of the first forensic scientists to travel to Thailand following the Indian Ocean tsunami to provide assistance in identifying the dead.
Sun Jan 28 2024
What war crimes laws apply to the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

What war crimes laws apply to the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

The war falls under a complex international system of justice that has emerged since World War Two.
Sat Oct 14 2023
War crimes by Myanmar's military 'more frequent and brazen', UN probe finds

War crimes by Myanmar's military 'more frequent and brazen', UN probe finds

These crimes include indiscriminate or disproportionate targeting of civilians using bombs and the burning of civilian homes and buildings.
Tue Aug 08 2023
Torture, sexual violence commonly used by Russian forces in Ukraine, say experts

Torture, sexual violence commonly used by Russian forces in Ukraine, say experts

Ukrainian authorities are reviewing more than 97,000 reports of war crimes and have filed charges against 220 suspects in domestic courts.
Wed Aug 02 2023
'Massive' Ukraine violations in focus as UN human rights body meets

'Massive' Ukraine violations in focus as UN human rights body meets

Human Rights Council want to strengthen scrutiny of Moscow's alleged war crimes and raise China's treatment of Muslim Uyghurs.
Mon Feb 27 2023
EXPLAINER: How are war crimes in Ukraine being investigated?

EXPLAINER: How are war crimes in Ukraine being investigated?

More than 71,000 alleged war crimes have been reported in Ukraine since Russia invaded, but bringing them to trial is no simple task.
Fri Feb 24 2023
UN investigator says Facebook provided vast amount of Myanmar war crimes information

UN investigator says Facebook provided vast amount of Myanmar war crimes information

Facebook has handed over millions of items that could support allegations of war crimes and genocide, UN investigators said.
Tue Sep 13 2022
Russian soldier jailed for life in first war crimes trial of Ukraine war

Russian soldier jailed for life in first war crimes trial of Ukraine war

Tank commander Vadim Shishimarin entered a guilty plea to killing an unarmed civilian four days after the Russian invasion.
Tue May 24 2022
Amnesty says evidence shows Russian troops committed war crimes near Kiev

Amnesty says evidence shows Russian troops committed war crimes near Kiev

Civilians suffered abuses such as "reckless shootings and torture" at the hands of Russian forces.
Fri May 06 2022
At UN, Amal Clooney pushes for Ukraine war crimes justice

At UN, Amal Clooney pushes for Ukraine war crimes justice

Clooney urged countries at the UN to focus on international justice for war crimes in Ukraine so evidence does not sit in storage.
Thu Apr 28 2022
Kastam rampas alat mainan seks bernilai RM2.04 juta

Kastam rampas alat mainan seks bernilai RM2.04 juta

JKDM menjalankan serbuan menerusi Ops Publika di gudang yang dipercayai telah beroperasi tiga tahun itu pada 1 tengah hari hasil maklumat risikan dan aduan awam.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Memanfaatkan akaun fleksibel untuk mempelbagaikan pelaburan

Memanfaatkan akaun fleksibel untuk mempelbagaikan pelaburan

Menurut Frankie, lebih banyak risiko yang diambil lebih banyak pulangan yang diterima. Justeru, terpulang kepada setiap individu untuk membuat keputusan sama ada untuk mengambil kesempatan tersebut atau sebaliknya.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Keyakinan memiliki EV akan meningkat selepas ini - Pakar

Keyakinan memiliki EV akan meningkat selepas ini - Pakar

Penganalisis industri automotif, Hezeri Samsuri, meramalkan peningkatan mendadak keyakinan terhadap pembelian kenderaan elektrik (EV) pada masa akan datang. Beliau menyatakan bahawa ini disebabkan oleh penetapan cukai jualan kenderaan motor tanpa pelepasan yang telah dikurangkan sebanyak 85 peratus, serta inisiatif kerajaan dalam menumpukan subsidi bahan api di bawah usaha kerajaan madani. Langkah-langkah ini dijangka akan memberi dorongan kepada pengguna untuk memilih EV sebagai alternatif yang lebih berpatutan dan mesra alam.

Wed Jun 05 2024
Rasuah lebih RM1 juta: Tiga termasuk pendaftar perkahwinan direman

Rasuah lebih RM1 juta: Tiga termasuk pendaftar perkahwinan direman

Tiga lelaki termasuk pendaftar perkahwinan jabatan kerajaan di Perlis direman lima hari bagi membantu siasatan kes rasuah RM1.18 juta melibatkan urusan pendaftaran perkahwinan pasangan bernikah di Tha
Wed Jun 05 2024
Lelaki cedera selepas tembak di kedutaan AS di Lubnan

Lelaki cedera selepas tembak di kedutaan AS di Lubnan

Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat berkata insiden tembakan bersenjata ringan itu berlaku di sekitar pintu masuk kedutaan kira-kira pukul 8.34 pagi waktu tempatan.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Kedutaan AS di Lubnan diserang, suspek cedera ditembak

Kedutaan AS di Lubnan diserang, suspek cedera ditembak

Insiden tembakan itu berlaku sekitar pintu masuk kedutaan pada jam 8.34 pagi waktu tempatan.
Wed Jun 05 2024
[TERKINI] Kementerian Pelancongan terima ancaman bom

[TERKINI] Kementerian Pelancongan terima ancaman bom

Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya di Putrajaya terima ancaman bom. Penolong Kanan Naib Presiden, Kandungan Berjenama Astro AWANI, Zaiful Mohd Arifin ada perinciannya.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Kontena dari Israel diarah patah balik ke Thailand

Kontena dari Israel diarah patah balik ke Thailand

Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) Perlis berjaya mengekang motolori dari negara jiran yang membawa kontena berlogo syarikat berpangkalan di Israel daripada memasuki Malaysia di Kompleks Imigresen, Kastam, Kuarantin dan Keselamatan (ICQS) Padang Besar pada Ahad lepas.

Wed Jun 05 2024
Jatronics bukan syarikat pengeluar semikonduktor di Malaysia

Jatronics bukan syarikat pengeluar semikonduktor di Malaysia

MITI menekankan bahawa tindakan Jabatan Perbendaharaan AS terhadap Jatronics adalah sebahagian daripada sekatan yang lebih luas yang menyasarkan 300 entiti daripada pelbagai negara, termasuk China, Belgium, Turkiye, Slovakia, dan Emiriah Arab Bersatu, berhubung dengan Konflik Rusia-Ukraine.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Kertas siasatan OKU dipukul anggota pengiring VIP dirujuk kepada TPR - Razarudin

Kertas siasatan OKU dipukul anggota pengiring VIP dirujuk kepada TPR - Razarudin

Polis telah memanggil 12 individu termasuk mangsa, pekerja hotel, dan pengawai juruiring kepada orang kenamaan terbabit untuk memberi keterangan berhubung kes.
Wed Jun 05 2024