JPGSPH 1st Graduates

Hi there! This is the video with still pictures of the gradutes of the first batch oh MPH in the James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University. This video shows how wonderfully the students learn through experiential learning. For more information on the Prgram you can copy paste this link: http://www.bracuniversity.ac.bd/I&S/sph/

Tue Feb 06 2007

JPGSPH 1st Graduates

Hi there! This is the video with still pictures of the gradutes of the first batch oh MPH in the James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University. This video shows how wonderfully the students learn through experiential learning. For more information on the Prgram you can copy paste this link: http://www.bracuniversity.ac.bd/I&S/sph/