3D InterGalactic Hypervue4DX Experiment

InterGalactic Tour in hyperVue "3D MotionStereo" a 4 Dimensional Cross freevue experiment by michaelm www.michaelmTheory.com/
A Consciousness & TemporalSpace Linear 3D Stereo Video. A 4D Experiment. Thanks to PBS, NASA and the Computer Annimation Imaging Team for giving us the very video for this experiment. michaelm2007 Music "Dreaming" ©Paul Pesco
I have created a Quasi 3D stereo pair from a flat 2D NASA inspired annimation video. By off setting the time of each video: the left video is ahead in time from the right by 02ƒ seconds.
See this 4DX hyperVue video experiment in 3D stereo, viewer free... Directions: level your eyes on the experimental video and hold a pencil up, just under the image, and about 8" from your nose. Now look at the tip of the pencil and notice the images above. Don't look back at the monitor, rather keep your eyes on the tip and move the pencil slowly tworards or away from you, until you can see 3 images.
Then notice the one in the middle. The center image will sharpen into a 3D Stereo view.
The left set of photons are intersecting with the right on their journey to your opposing eyes. That so called "Interferance Pattern" actually exists in the space between you and the monitor. Yet you don't see it until you view into "TimeSpace", Einstein's 4rth dimension has 3 dimensions of it's own. And hyperVue is the doorway into TimeSpace.
Find my 4D Stereo Subliminal Portraits at: www.hyperVue.com and www.myspace.com/artistmichaelm

Sun Feb 11 2007

3D InterGalactic Hypervue4DX Experiment

InterGalactic Tour in hyperVue "3D MotionStereo" a 4 Dimensional Cross freevue experiment by michaelm www.michaelmTheory.com/
A Consciousness & TemporalSpace Linear 3D Stereo Video. A 4D Experiment. Thanks to PBS, NASA and the Computer Annimation Imaging Team for giving us the very video for this experiment. michaelm2007 Music "Dreaming" ©Paul Pesco
I have created a Quasi 3D stereo pair from a flat 2D NASA inspired annimation video. By off setting the time of each video: the left video is ahead in time from the right by 02ƒ seconds.
See this 4DX hyperVue video experiment in 3D stereo, viewer free... Directions: level your eyes on the experimental video and hold a pencil up, just under the image, and about 8" from your nose. Now look at the tip of the pencil and notice the images above. Don't look back at the monitor, rather keep your eyes on the tip and move the pencil slowly tworards or away from you, until you can see 3 images.
Then notice the one in the middle. The center image will sharpen into a 3D Stereo view.
The left set of photons are intersecting with the right on their journey to your opposing eyes. That so called "Interferance Pattern" actually exists in the space between you and the monitor. Yet you don't see it until you view into "TimeSpace", Einstein's 4rth dimension has 3 dimensions of it's own. And hyperVue is the doorway into TimeSpace.
Find my 4D Stereo Subliminal Portraits at: www.hyperVue.com and www.myspace.com/artistmichaelm