A political activist admitted to have sent a letter claiming that a state assemblyman from the Opposition side had left the party.

The man, in his 60s and formerly from the private sector, however said he was unaware of the letter's content .

The letter was sent to the the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) office in Perak.

Perak police chief Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said the man, who resides in Seri Kembangan, came forward as soon as the news about the fake letter surfaced.

The man claimed that he was hired by a man whom he did not know and was told to send the letter to the Perak DUN office after attending a political meeting in Kajang, Selangor recently.

"He also admitted to sending the letter without knowing the actual content of the letter and did what was told," he said at Pasir Puteh, Ipoh today.

Acryl said statements were also taken from Hutan Melintang state assemblyman S.Kesavan of Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

"The police have recorded the conversation between two witnesses, the Customer Service Officer at the state government office and Administrative Assistant at the Menteri Besar's office and the continued conversation with a complainant," he said.

Police also seized the fake letters originally received by the Menteri Besar's office.

Acryl said investigation into the matter would be continued.

Meanwhile, Kesavan denied he had left the party as claimed by the letter addressed to the Speaker of the Perak State Assembly Datuk SK Devamany on Tuesday.

According to the letter purportedly signed by Kesavan, the decision was made after a loss of trust and dissatisfaction with the party's leadership.