The Education Ministry has urged netizens to stop spreading the image of a form one girl who lost both of her legs after she was involved in a road accident in Sabak Bernam last Monday.

Deputy Education Minister Datuk P. Kamalanathan said netizens must be more sensitive to the feelings of the victim's family who was going through a hard time.

He said this to reporters after delivering a talk at the 'Zamalah Wartawan Muda 1Malaysia' course here today.

In last Monday's incident, the girl Siti Nuraisyah Sahrin and her stepsister Shamin Amirah Roslan, 14, were on a motorcycle heading home after schooling when they were involved in an accident with a car and a lorry.

The two-week programme organised by the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) in collaboration with Kedah Information Department served as a platform for young journalists to exchange knowledge and insights on media operations.