Carian mengenai topik hikes

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai hikes dari Astro Awani

[COLUMNIST] Monopoly, monopsony, civil servants’ wage hikes, inflationary pressures & pensions reforms

[COLUMNIST] Monopoly, monopsony, civil servants’ wage hikes, inflationary pressures & pensions reforms

In the context of Malaysia, there's very little evidence of a surge in demand-pull inflation based on available data.
Fri May 17 2024
Japan's new births fall to record low in 2023 as demographic woes deepen

Japan's new births fall to record low in 2023 as demographic woes deepen

Japan said will take "unprecedented steps" to cope with low birthrate, expanding childcare and promoting wage hikes for younger workers.
Tue Feb 27 2024
[COLUMNIST] The EPF in an environment of interest rate hikes

[COLUMNIST] The EPF in an environment of interest rate hikes

EPF's financial performance for the first three quarters of FY 2023 is expected to have been sustained in the fourth quarter.
Mon Jan 22 2024
Chicken subsidies end today, savings allocated to boost welfare initiatives

Chicken subsidies end today, savings allocated to boost welfare initiatives

The govt guarantees there will be no sudden price hikes for this essential commodity and assures of a consistent and sufficient supply.
Wed Nov 01 2023
RON97, RON95 and diesel prices unchanged until Oct 4

RON97, RON95 and diesel prices unchanged until Oct 4

The govt was maintaining the retail prices of RON95 and diesel to protect consumers from the real impact of oil price hikes, MOF said.
Wed Sep 27 2023
Govt assures no extreme price hikes this year - Salahuddin

Govt assures no extreme price hikes this year - Salahuddin

The government has given assurance that the prices of essential goods, especially subsidised items, will not see an extreme rise this year.
Tue Jul 11 2023
EPF aiming to boost investment income

EPF aiming to boost investment income

Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan said easing concerns over issues such as interest rate hikes will help in generating better returns.
Tue Jun 13 2023
Largest strike in decades leaves Germany at a standstill

Largest strike in decades leaves Germany at a standstill

Union bosses warn that pay hikes were a "matter of survival" for thousands of workers and management calling demands "completely excessive".
Mon Mar 27 2023
Asian shares subdued after Fed hints at rate pause

Asian shares subdued after Fed hints at rate pause

Asian shares inched higher after the Fed Reserve hinted it could pause interest rate hikes following turmoil in the banking sector.
Thu Mar 23 2023
[COLUMNIST] Interest rate hikes land the poor further into poverty

[COLUMNIST] Interest rate hikes land the poor further into poverty

It comes at a time when the rakyat are still feeling the pinch.
Fri Nov 04 2022
Bursa rises after Wall Street closes sharply higher on hope of slowing pace of rate hikes

Bursa rises after Wall Street closes sharply higher on hope of slowing pace of rate hikes

On the broader market, gainers outpaced losers 253 to 134, while 249 counters were unchanged, 1,716 untraded, and 12 others suspended.
Tue Oct 25 2022
Breakfast in, shopping out: tourists to the U.S. hit by soaring dollar

Breakfast in, shopping out: tourists to the U.S. hit by soaring dollar

Visitors to the United States feeling the pinch of the mighty greenback, which scaled two-decade highs this month driven partly by Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.
Thu Sep 29 2022
Violent protests flare up in Haiti over fuel price hikes, rampant crime

Violent protests flare up in Haiti over fuel price hikes, rampant crime

The demonstrations come as inflation surged to its highest in a decade, gang violence has left much of Haiti's territory beyond govt reach.
Thu Sep 15 2022
Research houses positive on banking sector following OPR rate hike

Research houses positive on banking sector following OPR rate hike

CGS-CIMB reiterated its "overweight" call on banks as key beneficiaries of the OPR hikes after BNM raised 25 basis points (bps) to 2.50 pct yesterday.
Fri Sep 09 2022
What do BNM rate hikes mean for M'sian households?

What do BNM rate hikes mean for M'sian households?

For some households, this would mean paying more for interest payments and servicing of loans and debt, says an economist.
Fri Sep 09 2022
Guna kebebasan media secara bertanggungjawab elak mudarat kepada masyarakat

Guna kebebasan media secara bertanggungjawab elak mudarat kepada masyarakat

Dalam usaha untuk mengukuhkan rangka kerja sedia ada tidak bermakna Malaysia akan menindas kebebasan media.
Tue Jun 11 2024
AWANI Pagi: Langkawi mahu tampil destinasi pelancongan berbeza

AWANI Pagi: Langkawi mahu tampil destinasi pelancongan berbeza

Bersama dua tetamu Malik Mohammad @ Max Wellrose, Artis Visual dan Muhammad Hazrin Abdul Malek, Pengarah Cawangan Balai Seni Negara Langkawi berkenaan usaha menampilkan Langkawi sebagai destinasi pelancongan berbeza.

#AWANInews #AWANIpagi
Tue Jun 11 2024
ASEAN berusaha tingkat tindak balas bencana

ASEAN berusaha tingkat tindak balas bencana

Jerayawara One ASEAN One Response (OAOR) yang dilancarkan di sini pada Isnin, memberi tumpuan kepada meningkatkan mekanisme tindak balas bencana bagi Laos dan komuniti Persatuan Negara-Negara Asia Ten
Tue Jun 11 2024
14 sekeluarga tunai haji bersama, hasil menabung 35 tahun

14 sekeluarga tunai haji bersama, hasil menabung 35 tahun

Kisah Baharin Osman sekeluarga 14 orang dari Mukah, Sarawak yang menjadi dhuyufurrahman dan datang ke Tanah Suci secara bersama tahun ini disebabkan disiplinnya selama 35 tahun menabung dengan jumlah sekecil RM50 dan mendaftar dengan Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) bagi menunaikan rukun Islam kelima itu.
Mon Jun 10 2024
Simposium Perdana Haji himpun ulama, cendekiawan

Simposium Perdana Haji himpun ulama, cendekiawan

Simposium Perdana Haji kali ke-48 yang diadakan di Mekah tahun ini bertemakan usul fiqh dan fatwa di mana ulama dan cendekiawan yang hadir membincangkan mengenai penekanan Arab Saudi dalam memberikan kemudahan kepada bakal haji iaitu adakah ia bersesuaian atau sebaliknya, adakah ia menunjukkan Islam itu agama yang mudah atau sukar.
Mon Jun 10 2024
Kerajaan Australia guna TikTok dalam kempen antimerokok, vape

Kerajaan Australia guna TikTok dalam kempen antimerokok, vape

Kerajaan Australia telah melancarkan kempen baharu yang menggalakkan orang ramai untuk berhenti merokok dan menghisap vape.
Mon Jun 10 2024
Aerospace: Contemporary Challenges and Industry Response

Aerospace: Contemporary Challenges and Industry Response

Malaysia Aerospace Industry Blueprint (MAIB) 2030 envisions the aerospace industry to contribute a total revenue of RM 55 billion by 2030, and while COVID-19 did hinder the progress of the blueprint, the industry is no doubt back in full swing.

Mon Jun 10 2024
Loji oksigen tunggal di Gaza berisiko ditutup akibat kekurangan bahan api

Loji oksigen tunggal di Gaza berisiko ditutup akibat kekurangan bahan api

Loji pengeluaran oksigen tunggal di Bandaraya Gaza berisiko ditutup dalam beberapa jam akibat kekurangan bahan api yang serius.
Mon Jun 10 2024
PBB desak orang awam di Gaza dilindungi

PBB desak orang awam di Gaza dilindungi

PBB menyeru semua pihak utamakan perlindungan orang awam ketika konflik Gaza, susulan pembebasan empat tebusan Israel yang mengorbankan 274 nyawa awam
Mon Jun 10 2024
Blinken gesa pemimpin Arab tekan Hamas terima gencatan senjata

Blinken gesa pemimpin Arab tekan Hamas terima gencatan senjata

Setiausaha Negara Amerika Syarikat, Antony Blinken menggesa pemimpin Arab untuk menekan Hamas supaya menerima cadangan gencatan senjata yang digariskan oleh Presidennya, Joe Biden untuk menamatkan perang selama lapan bulan di Gaza.
Mon Jun 10 2024