Carian mengenai topik jail time

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai jail time dari Astro Awani

ANALYSIS - Jail time for contempt could spell political trouble for Trump

ANALYSIS - Jail time for contempt could spell political trouble for Trump

Being jailed - even for a brief time - would remind other voters of the chaos that has routinely followed Donald Trump.
Sun May 12 2024
Teacher’s 29-year career ends in jail time, fine for using forged ID

Teacher’s 29-year career ends in jail time, fine for using forged ID

A review of records found that an identity card with same number and name had been issued by the NRD, albeit with Temporary Resident status.
Thu Feb 22 2024
Thai lawyer who called for monarchy reform sentenced to more jail time

Thai lawyer who called for monarchy reform sentenced to more jail time

A Thai court sentenced Arnon Nampa to four years in prison for royal insults from a 2021 social media post.
Wed Jan 17 2024
Cuba Gooding Jr faces new sexual assault lawsuits

Cuba Gooding Jr faces new sexual assault lawsuits

The women whose sexual assault cases against Cuba Gooding Jr underlay a criminal prosecution with him pleading guilty but no jail time.
Thu Nov 23 2023
Najib can apply for royal pardon; needs to serve jail time first - Lawyers

Najib can apply for royal pardon; needs to serve jail time first - Lawyers

Former prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, can apply for a royal pardon, but must serve jail terms for a certain period of time first, said legal practitioners.
Wed Aug 24 2022
Pages for pardons? In Bolivia, inmates can cut jail time by reading

Pages for pardons? In Bolivia, inmates can cut jail time by reading

The state program "Books behind bars" offers detainees a chance get out of jail days or weeks in advance of their release date.
Tue May 03 2022
Oscar-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jr. pleads guilty to forcible touching

Oscar-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jr. pleads guilty to forcible touching

The plea is part of an agreement with prosecutors that spares the him from any immediate jail time.
Thu Apr 14 2022
Actor Jussie Smollett sentenced to probation, jail time for staging hate crime

Actor Jussie Smollett sentenced to probation, jail time for staging hate crime

Smollett was guilty of five of the six felony disorderly conduct counts he faced, one for each time he was accused of lying to police.
Fri Mar 11 2022
Abolition of death penalty for drug trafficking to be focus of Dewan Rakyat

Abolition of death penalty for drug trafficking to be focus of Dewan Rakyat

Ramkarpal also asked if the government proposed to amend the sentence for drug trafficking to a minimal jail time so that the penalty is based on the facts of each case.
Wed Aug 12 2020
Married couple, lovers, foreigners among 68 facing jail time, fines for violating MCO

Married couple, lovers, foreigners among 68 facing jail time, fines for violating MCO

A married couple, a pair of lovers and foreigners were among 68 individuals who were charged in three Magistrates' Courts for violating the MCO.
Fri Apr 24 2020
Fikirlah: Risking jail time for social media outbursts

Fikirlah: Risking jail time for social media outbursts

Although differences in opinion should be celebrated, let it be manifested in an intelligent and respectful manner.
Fri Jan 27 2017
Surrender your unlicensed, homemade shotguns to police, Sarawakians told

Surrender your unlicensed, homemade shotguns to police, Sarawakians told

Those who fail to do so can face jail time up to seven years.
Sat Aug 06 2016
Lagarde seen likely to avoid jail time, keep IMF job amid trial

Lagarde seen likely to avoid jail time, keep IMF job amid trial

Christine Lagarde is likely to avoid jail time and keep her job as head of the International Monetary Fund after she was ordered to stand trial in France on charges that carry a potential prison term.
Sat Jul 23 2016
Heavier penalty for improper use of Malacca state awards

Heavier penalty for improper use of Malacca state awards

Those found guilty of the offences can face jail time between one and five years or both a fine and imprisonment.
Mon Jun 20 2016
Russian man could go to prison for saying God does not exist

Russian man could go to prison for saying God does not exist

A man in the southern Russian city of Stavropol faces potential jail time for writing atheist comments on a website.
Sat Mar 05 2016
Apple fokus pembangunan iPhone 17 yang lebih nipis untuk 2025

Apple fokus pembangunan iPhone 17 yang lebih nipis untuk 2025

Apple dijangka memperkenalkan peranti-peranti lain yang nipis dalam tahun-tahun akan datang.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Zii Jia sudah sedia harungi Olimpik Paris 2024

Zii Jia sudah sedia harungi Olimpik Paris 2024

Lee Zii Jia menyifatkan kejayaan merangkul kejuaraan Terbuka Australia sebagai motivasi terbaik menjelang Sukan Olimpik Paris 2024 dari 27 Julai hingga 5 Ogos depan.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Sidang Kemuncak Keamanan Ukraine sokong deklarasi akhir

Sidang Kemuncak Keamanan Ukraine sokong deklarasi akhir

Sidang kemuncak keamanan Ukraine yang berlangsung selama dua hari di Burgenstock, Switzerland berakhir pada Ahad dengan sokongan terhadap deklarasi akhir.
Mon Jun 17 2024
AWANI Ringkas: Curi kabel: Kerajaan pertimbang hukuman lebih berat

AWANI Ringkas: Curi kabel: Kerajaan pertimbang hukuman lebih berat

Ikuti rangkuman berita utama yang menjadi tumpuan sepanjang hari di Astro AWANI menerusi AWANI Ringkas.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Akauntan rugi RM2.2 juta terperdaya pelaburan saham

Akauntan rugi RM2.2 juta terperdaya pelaburan saham

Seorang akauntan kerugian lebih RM2.2 juta selepas menjadi mangsa penipuan pelaburan saham.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Rumah didiami tujuh sekeluarga terbakar

Rumah didiami tujuh sekeluarga terbakar

Tiada kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan, namun dua daripada mereka dilaporkan mengalami tekanan darah tinggi dan cedera ringan.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Vietnam sasar pasaran halal

Vietnam sasar pasaran halal

Kementerian Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Vietnam komited untuk membangunkan rangka kerja perundangan yang menyokong kerjasama antarabangsa dalam membangunkan industri halalnya.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Sultan Selangor, Tengku Permaisuri zahir ucapan selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Sultan Selangor, Tengku Permaisuri zahir ucapan selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Baginda turut menzahirkan harapan agar umat Islam sentiasa mensyukuri nikmat yang dikurniakan Allah SWT serta melaksanakan ibadah korban demi membantu golongan miskin.
Mon Jun 17 2024
Vietnam komited bangunkan industri halal

Vietnam komited bangunkan industri halal

Kementerian Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Vietnam komited untuk membangunkan rangka kerja perundangan yang menyokong kerjasama antarabangsa dalam membangunkan industri halalnya.

Menurut agensi berita Vietnam, ini termasuk rundingan dan menandatangani perjanjian perdagangan serta memudahkan perkongsian dengan organisasi dan pengedar di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE).
Mon Jun 17 2024
Tun Wan Junaidi solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Jamek Sarawak

Tun Wan Junaidi solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Jamek Sarawak

Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak Tun Pehin Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar dan Premier Sarawak Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg pagi ini menunaikan solat sunat Aidiladha di Masjid Jamek Negeri Sarawak.

Mon Jun 17 2024